Sick building syndrome — (SBS) is a combination of ailments (a syndrome) associated with an individual s place of work (office building) or residence. A 1984 World Health Organization report into the syndrome suggested up to 30% of new and remodelled buildings worldwide… … Wikipedia
Sick Building Syndrome — gebäudebezogene Krankheit (f) eng Sick Building Syndrome, building related illness, tight building syndrome … Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz Glossar
sick building syndrome — UK US noun [S] (ABBREVIATION SBS) WORKPLACE ► an illness that people who work in office buildings can get, caused by poor air quality inside the building: »Parental leave, working time, sick building syndrome: these all affect health and the… … Financial and business terms
sick building syndrome — sick building .syndrome n [U] when chemicals and ↑germs stay in an office building and make the people who work there feel ill ▪ A common household fungus can contribute to sick building syndrome … Dictionary of contemporary English
sick building syndrome — n. a condition in which occupants of a building experience headaches, fatigue, respiratory ailments, dermatitis, etc., often attributed to contaminants, such as bacteria or chemical pollutants, that have been recirculated by air conditioning… … English World dictionary
sick building syndrome — sick building ,syndrome noun uncount a medical condition that affects people who work in buildings where the air is not healthy … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Sick building syndrome — A condition caused by exposure to various noxious agents that affect persons employed in a sick building, usually an office or other building that houses many people working in close proximity to one another. Sick building syndrome… … Medical dictionary
sick building syndrome — noun : a set of symptoms (as headache, fatigue, and eye irritation) typically affecting workers in modern airtight office buildings that is believed to be caused by indoor pollutants (as formaldehyde fumes, particulate matter, or microorganisms)… … Useful english dictionary
Sick-building-Syndrome — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 J68 Erkrankungen der Atmungsorgane durch Einatmen von chemischen Substanzen, Gasen, Rauch … Deutsch Wikipedia
sick building syndrome — N UNCOUNT Sick building syndrome is a group of conditions, including headaches, sore eyes, and tiredness, which people who work in offices may experience because the air there is not healthy to breathe. Built up static contributes to sick… … English dictionary
sick building syndrome — sick′ build′ing syn drome n. pat an illness caused by exposure to pollutants or germs inside an airtight building • Etymology: 1980–85 … From formal English to slang