
adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French actif, from Latin activus, from actus, past participle of agere to drive, domore at agent Date: 14th century 1. characterized by action rather than by contemplation or speculation <
an active life
2. producing or involving action or movement 3. a. of a verb form or voice asserting that the person or thing represented by the grammatical subject performs the action represented by the verb <
hits inhe hits the ballis active
b. expressing action as distinct from mere existence or state 4. quick in physical movement ; lively 5. marked by vigorous activity ; busy <
the stock market was active
6. requiring vigorous action or exertion <
active sports
7. having practical operation or results ; effective <
an active law
8. a. disposed to action ; energetic <
took an active interest
b. engaged in an action or activity <
an active club member
c. of a volcano currently erupting or likely to eruptcompare dormant 2a, extinct 1b d. characterized by emission of large amounts of electromagnetic energy <
an active galactic nucleus
9. engaged in full-time service especially in the armed forces <
active duty
10. marked by present operation, transaction, movement, or use <
an active account
11. a. capable of acting or reacting ; reacting readily <
active nitrogen
active ingredients
b. tending to progress or to cause degeneration <
active tuberculosis
c. of an electronic circuit element capable of controlling voltages or currents d. (1) requiring the expenditure of energy <
active calcium ion uptake
(2) functioning by the emission of radiant energy or sound <
radar is an active sensor
12. still eligible to win the pot in poker 13. moving down the line ; visiting in the setused of couples in contredanses or square dancesactive nounactively adverbactiveness noun

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • active — (adj.) mid 14c., given to worldly activity (opposed to contemplative or monastic), from O.Fr. actif (12c.) or directly from L. activus, from actus (see ACT (Cf. act) (n.)). As capable of acting (opposed to passive), from late 14c. Meaning… …   Etymology dictionary

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