
noun (plural -pias or sinopie) Etymology: Italian, from Latin sinopis, from Greek sinōpis, from Sinōpē Sinop, ancient seaport in Asia Minor Date: 1844 1. a red to reddish-brown earth pigment used by the ancients that depends for its color on its content of red ferric oxide 2. a preliminary drawing for a fresco done in sinopia

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Sinopia — is a reddish brown ocher like earth color pigment used in traditional oil painting. It is used for the cartoon or underpainting for a fresco. It is composed of iron oxides, from a kind of clay or quartz called sinople.Sinopia was written about by …   Wikipedia

  • Sinopia — (nach der Schwarzmeerstadt Sinop) ist eine rotbraune, ockerartige Naturfarbe. Sie wurde in traditioneller Ölmalerei oder für die Skizzierung von Fresken und Mosaiken verwendet. Die rötliche Farbe geht auf Eisenoxidverbindungen zurück. Als Sinopia …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • sinopia — ● sinopia, sinopie ou sinopias nom féminin (italien sinopia, de Sinope, nom propre) Pigment minéral rouge. Dans la peinture à fresque, jusqu au milieu du XVe s., dessin préparatoire exécuté avec ce pigment sur une première couche de mortier …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Sinopia — Si*no pi*a, Sinopis Si*no pis, n. A red pigment made from sinopite. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sinopia — Abadía de San Galgano. Una sinopia es un dibujo realizado sobre la preparación de un muro que se ha de pintar al fresco. Técnica utilizada para marcar el boceto sobre la base en la cual se realizará el fresco. Se han encontrado restos de sinopia… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sinopia — Madonna col Bambino, sinopia du Maestro della Crocifissione Grigg. La sinopia (au pluriel italien sinopie) est le nom d un pigment de couleur rouge, provenant probablement de la région de Sinope (Turquie), sur la mer Noire. On appelle aussi… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • sinopia — noun a) A reddish brown ochre like pigment, derived from sinople, used in traditional oil painting and as the cartoon for frescos. Today many of the sinopias have been uncovered by a method called stacco. b) A work executed in sinopia …   Wiktionary

  • Sinopia —    An underdrawing for a fresco that is rendered in red earth mixed with water. Examples of sinopie that have been revealed during restorations are those now housed in the Papal Palace in Avignon for frescoes commissioned from Simone Martini by… …   Dictionary of Renaissance art

  • sinopia — ► sustantivo femenino PINTURA Dibujo realizado sobre la preparación de un muro que se va a pintar al fresco …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • sinòpia — si|nò|pi|a Mot Esdrúixol Nom femení …   Diccionari Català-Català

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