Smoke tree — Smoke Smoke (sm[=o]k), n. [AS. smoca, fr. sme[ o]can to smoke; akin to LG. & D. smook smoke, Dan. sm[ o]g, G. schmauch, and perh. to Gr. ??? to burn in a smoldering fire; cf. Lith. smaugti to choke.] 1. The visible exhalation, vapor, or substance … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
smoke tree — n. 1. a small, bushy, Old World tree (Cotinus coggygria) of the cashew family, with filmy, feathery flower clusters resembling smoke 2. a tree (Cotinus americanus) of the cashew family, growing in the SW U.S. and having brilliant orange and… … English World dictionary
smoke tree — smoke′ tree n. 1) bot (boi pln) a tree, Cotinus obovatus, of the cashew family, native to the south central U.S., having egg shaped leaves and large clusters of small white flowers 2) pln a related shrub, C. coggygria, of Eurasia, having… … From formal English to slang
smoke tree — noun 1. greyish green shrub of desert regions of southwestern United States and Mexico having sparse foliage and terminal spikes of bluish violet flowers; locally important as source of a light colored honey of excellent flavor • Syn: ↑Dalea… … Useful english dictionary
Smoke tree — taxobox name = Smoke Tree image caption = Smoketree flowerhead with fruit and dew droplets regnum = Plantae unranked divisio = Angiosperms unranked classis = Eudicots unranked ordo = Rosids ordo = Sapindales familia = Anacardiaceae genus =… … Wikipedia
smoke tree — 1. Also called American smoke tree, chittamwood. a tree, Cotinus obovatus, of the cashew family, native to the southeastern U.S., having egg shaped leaves and large clusters of small white flowers. 2. Also called Venetian sumac. a related shrub,… … Universalium
smoke tree — Venetian Ve*ne tian, a. [Cf. It. Veneziano, L. Venetianus.] Of or pertaining to Venice in Italy. [1913 Webster] {Venetian blind}, a blind for windows, doors, etc., made of thin slats, either fixed at a certain angle in the shutter, or movable,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
smoke tree — pūkenis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Anakardinių (Anacardiaceae) šeimos augalų gentis (Cotinus). atitikmenys: lot. Cotinus angl. smoke tree; wig tree vok. Perückenbaum; Perückenstrauch rus. скумпия lenk. perukowiec … Dekoratyvinių augalų vardynas
smoke tree — /ˈsmoʊk tri/ (say smohk tree) noun 1. a tree like shrub, Cotinus coggygria, native to southern Europe and western Asia, bearing small flowers in large panicles that develop a light, feathery appearance suggestive of smoke. 2. a related American… …
smoke tree — noun a shrub or small tree which bears feathery plumes of purple or reddish flowers and fruit, giving it a smoky appearance. [Cotinus coggygria (formerly Rhus cotinus).] … English new terms dictionary