- sniffer
- noun Date: 1864 one that sniffs; especially one who takes drugs illicitly by sniffing
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Sniffer — [dt. »Schnüffler«], ein Programm zum unberechtigten Ausspionieren sensibler Daten. Der Sniffer wird in einem Netzwerk installiert und zeichnet wahllos vorüberkommende Datenpakete auf. Bei einer nachfolgenden Analyse können auf diese Weise Daten … Universal-Lexikon
Sniffer — Ein Sniffer (engl. to sniff‚ riechen, schnüffeln) ist eine Software, die den Datenverkehr eines Netzwerks empfangen, aufzeichnen, darstellen und ggf. auswerten kann. Es handelt sich also um ein Werkzeug der Netzwerkanalyse. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sniffer — Снифер Анализатор трафика, или сниффер (от англ. to sniff нюхать) сетевой анализатор трафика, программа или программно аппаратное устройство, предназначенное для перехвата и последующего анализа, либо только анализа сетевого трафика,… … Википедия
sniffer — snifer ou sniffer [ snife ] v. tr. <conjug. : 1> • v. 1978; de l angl. to sniff « renifler » ♦ Anglic. (arg. de la drogue) Priser (un stupéfiant). ⇒ renifler. Snifer de la cocaïne. N. SNIF(F)EUR, EUSE . Les sniffeurs de colle. ● sniffer… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sniffer — Packet sniffer Les packet sniffers (littéralement « renifleurs de paquets », aussi connus sous le nom de renifleurs ou sniffeurs) sont des logiciels qui peuvent récupérer les données transitant par le biais d un réseau local. Ils… … Wikipédia en Français
sniffer — A small program loaded onto a system by an intruder, designed to monitor specific traffic on the network. The sniffer program watches for the first part of any remote login session that includes the user name, password, and host name of a… … Dictionary of networking
sniffer — n. 1 a person who sniffs, esp. one who sniffs a drug or toxic substances (often in comb.: glue sniffer). 2 sl. the nose. 3 colloq. any device for detecting gas, radiation, etc. Phrases and idioms: sniffer dog colloq. a dog trained to sniff out… … Useful english dictionary
sniffer — noun Sniffer is used before these nouns: ↑dog … Collocations dictionary
sniffer — sniff ► VERB 1) draw in air audibly through the nose. 2) (sniff at) show contempt or dislike for: the price is not to be sniffed at. 3) (sniff around/round) informal investigate something secretly. 4) (sniff out) informal discover by secret or… … English terms dictionary
sniffer dog — UK [ˈsnɪfə(r) ˌdɒɡ] US [ˈsnɪfər ˌdɑɡ] noun [countable] [singular sniffer dog plural sniffer dogs] british a dog that is trained to find drugs, bombs etc by smelling Thesaurus: types … Useful english dictionary
sniffer dog — sniffer dogs N COUNT A sniffer dog is a dog used by the police or army to find explosives or drugs by their smell … English dictionary