
noun Etymology: African French (of Brazzaville and Kinshasa) soucous, soukous, a dance popular in the late 1960s, alteration of French secousse jolt, jerk Date: 1982 popular guitar-driven dance music created in the Democratic Republic of the Congo under the influence of Cuban rumba

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • soukous — [so͞o′ko͞os΄] n. a popular African dance music that originated in Democratic Republic of the Congo, emphasizing modified rumba rhythms, a continuous blend of melodies and rhythms played on guitars, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Soukous —  Ne doit pas être confondu avec Sukus. Le soukous (parfois écrit soukouss) est un style de musique dont l origine est l ancien Zaïre, devenu République démocratique du Congo. Il prend ses racines dans la rumba cubaine des années 50. Il… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • soukous — ˈsüˌküs noun ( es) Etymology: African French (of Brazzaville and Kinshasa) soucous, soukous, a dance popular in the late 1960s, alteration of French secousse jolt, jerk, from Middle French, from feminine of secous, past participle of secourre to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • soukous — /sooh koohs /, n. a style of central African popular dance music with electric guitars, Caribbean rhythms, and often several vocalists. [1980 85; said to be < Lingala < F secouer to shake] * * * …   Universalium

  • soukous — noun A genre of African popular music resembling rumba, which originated in the Congo region in the 1930s …   Wiktionary

  • soukous — [ su:ku:s] noun a style of African popular music with syncopated rhythms and intricate contrasting guitar melodies. Origin perh. from Fr. secouer to shake …   English new terms dictionary

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