sphere of influence

sphere of influence
Date: 1885 a territorial area within which the political influence or the interests of one nation are held to be more or less paramount

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • sphere of influence — n. a region in which political and economic influence or control is exerted by one nation over another nation or other nations …   English World dictionary

  • Sphère d'influence — ● Sphère d influence région du globe sur laquelle une grande puissance s est vu reconnaître (explicitement ou tacitement) par les autres des droits d intervention particuliers …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Sphere of influence — A sphere of influence (SOI) is an area or region over which an organization or state exerts some kind of indirect cultural, economic, military or political domination. Also, in some areas of habitation, shopping or retail outlets or indeed… …   Wikipedia

  • Sphère d'influence — Les sphères d influence américaine (bleu) et soviétique (rouge) en 1980. Dans le domaine des relations internationales, une sphère d influence (SOI) est une zone ou région sur laquelle un État ou une organisation a d importantes influences… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • sphere of influence — any area in which one nation wields dominant power over another or others. [1880 85] * * * In international politics, a state s claim to exclusive or predominant control over a foreign area or territory. Beginning in the late 1880s, European… …   Universalium

  • sphere of influence — noun the geographical area in which one nation is very influential • Syn: ↑sphere • Hypernyms: ↑geographical area, ↑geographic area, ↑geographical region, ↑geographic region * * * 1. : a territorial area within which the pol …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sphere of Influence — Als Sphere of Influence (kurz SOI; engl. für Einflusssphäre) bezeichnet man eine u.a. in der Astrodynamik und Raumfahrt gebräuchliche Größe, die angibt, in welchem Bereich die Gravitation eines Planeten Auswirkungen auf andere Himmelskörper hat… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • sphere of influence — įtakos sfera statusas T sritis Politika apibrėžtis Silpnesnių valstybių grupė, patirianti nuolatinę galingesnės valstybės įtaką. Paprastai susidaro dėl to, kad mažesnės ir silpnesnės valstybės yra tame pačiame regione, kur turi interesų… …   Politikos mokslų enciklopedinis žodynas

  • sphere of influence — sphere′ of in′fluence n. gov any region in which one nation wields dominant power over another or others • Etymology: 1880–85 …   From formal English to slang

  • Sphere of influence (astronomy) — The sphere of influence is a region around a supermassive black hole in which the gravitational potential of the black hole dominates the gravitational potential of the host bulge. There are two definitions in common use for the radius of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Sphere of influence (astrodynamics) — A sphere of influence (SOI) in astrodynamics and astronomy is the spherical region around a celestial body where the primary gravitational influence on an orbiting object is that body. This is usually used to describe the areas in our solar… …   Wikipedia

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