- stand treat
- phrasal to pay the cost of food, drink, or entertainment for others in a group
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
stand treat — phrasal : to pay the cost of food, drinks, or entertainment for others in a group we all went to a baseball game, myself standing treat Isaac Rosenfeld * * * stand one s hand, stand sam (informal), stand shot and stand treat To treat the company … Useful english dictionary
stand treat — pay for everyone s food and drinks, pay the bill for everyone … English contemporary dictionary
stand one's hand — (informal) To buy a drink for someone else • • • Main Entry: ↑hand stand one s hand, stand sam (informal), stand shot and stand treat To treat the company, esp to drinks • • • Main Entry: ↑stand … Useful english dictionary
stand shot — (obsolete and dialect) To pay the bill • • • Main Entry: ↑shot stand one s hand, stand sam (informal), stand shot and stand treat To treat the company, esp to drinks • • • Main Entry: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
stand sam — stand one s hand, stand sam (informal), stand shot and stand treat To treat the company, esp to drinks • • • Main Entry: ↑stand … Useful english dictionary
stand — Synonyms and related words: Anschauung, abide, abide by, abide with, accept, adhere to, advocate, affirm, affirmance, affirmation, afford, allegation, allow, allude to, ambo, anchor, angle, angle of vision, announcement, annunciation, answer,… … Moby Thesaurus
treat — I n. source of joy 1) to provide a treat 2) a treat for (their visit was a real treat for us) 3) a treat to + inf. (it was a treat to watch them dance) paying for the food or entertainment of others 4) to stand treat 5) (misc.) it s my treat II v … Combinatory dictionary
treat — Synonyms and related words: act on, act toward, act upon, affect, air, ambrosia, analyze, arrange, attend, bandage, banquet, bathe, behave toward, blow to, board, bonne bouche, bonus, boon, canvass, care for, cate, celebration, choice morsel,… … Moby Thesaurus
stand — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. abide, tolerate, endure, support; last, persist; remain up right; pause, halt, stop; be, re main; stagnate; be valid; put, place; bear, undergo; stand for, represent, mean. See durability, indication … English dictionary for students
treat — /trit / (say treet) verb (t) 1. to act or behave towards in some specified way: to treat someone with respect. 2. to look upon, consider, or regard in a specified aspect, and deal with accordingly: to treat a matter as unimportant. 3. to deal… …