Statolith — (Otolith, Hörstein), s. Gehör (der Tiere), Gleichgewichtssinn, S. 20, und Pflanzenbewegungen, S. 720 … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Statolith — Statolith, als Schwerekörper von höherem spezifischem Gewicht als dem der umgebenden Flüssigkeit in Schweresinnesorganen, den ⇒ Statocysten der Wirbellosen und den ⇒ Statolithenorganen der Wirbeltiere wirkender Körper, z.B. Sandkörnchen in den… … Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie
statolith — [stat′əlith΄] n. [< Gr statos, standing (see STATOCYST) + LITH] 1. Bot. any of the small, freely moving concretions, often a starch grain, found in statocysts 2. Zool. OTOLITH (sense 2) statolithic adj … English World dictionary
Statolith — Statoliths are a specialized form of amyloplasts involved in gravity perception by plants.These specialized amyloplasts are denser than the cytoplasm and can sediment according to the gravity vector. They are found in a special subset of cells of … Wikipedia
Statolith — Otolithen eines Adlerfischs (von oben nach unten: Maßstab in mm, Innenseite, Außenseite) … Deutsch Wikipedia
statolith — one of the the large ear stones of all fishes composed of calcium carbonate as aragonite … Dictionary of ichthyology
statolith — n. [Gr. statos, fixed; lithos, stone] A movable concretion of granules of sand, lime, diatom shells, or quartz grains contained in a statocyst, that functions in equilibrium; lithite … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
statolith — (1) Bot. A type of amyloplast found in root tip cells of higher plants. It can sediment within the cell under the influence of gravity, and is thought to be involved in the detection of gravity in geotropism. (2) Zool. A sand grain or a structure … Dictionary of molecular biology
statolith — statolithic, adj. /stat l ith/, n. 1. Zool. any of the granules of lime, sand, etc., contained within a statocyst. 2. Bot. an inclusion, as a starch grain, that by a change in position within the cells of an organ or part is assumed to cause a… … Universalium
statolith — noun A specialized form of amyloplast involved in graviperception by plant roots and most invertebrates. Syn: otolith … Wiktionary