steak tartare

steak tartare
noun Etymology: French tartare Tartar Date: 1911 highly seasoned ground beef eaten raw

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • steak tartare — steak tar tare n [U] [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: tartare from French, Tartar ] steak that is cut into very small pieces and eaten raw, usually with a raw egg …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • steak tartare — steak tar|tare [ ,steık tar tar ] noun uncount a food made from STEAK that is cut very small and eaten raw, mixed with raw egg and onions …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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  • steak tartare — /steɪk taˈtɛə/ (say stayk tah tair), /taˈta/ (say tah tah) noun raw minced steak, served with raw egg, seasonings and spicy sauces. Also, steak tartar, tartar steak …  

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