
adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary bi- + Latin filum thread — more at file Date: 1846 1. involving two threads or wires <
bifilar suspension of a pendulum
2. involving a single thread or wire doubled back upon itself <
a bifilar resistor
bifilarly adverb

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Bifilar — Bi*fi lar, a. [Pref. bi + filar.] Two threaded; involving the use of two threads; as, bifilar suspension; a bifilar balance. [1913 Webster] {Bifilar micrometer} (often called {a bifilar}), an instrument form measuring minute distances or angles… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • bifilar — [bī fī′lər] adj. [ BI 1 + FILAR] having two threads, wires, etc. as certain sensitive measuring instruments bifilarly adv …   English World dictionary

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  • bifilar — ► adjetivo Que tiene dos hilos. * * * bifilar adj. Que tiene dos hilos: ‘Un cable bifilar’. * * * ► adjetivo Formado por dos hilos …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • bifilar — adjective having or using two filaments a bifilar suspension of a waving part of an instrument • Pertains to noun: ↑filar …   Useful english dictionary

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