- stretch receptor
- noun Date: 1936 muscle spindle
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
stretch receptor — n MUSCLE SPINDLE * * * a cell or group of cells found between muscle fibres that responds to stretching of the muscle by transmitting impulses to the central nervous system through the sensory nerves. Stretch receptors are part of the… … Medical dictionary
Stretch receptor — Stretch receptors are mechanoreceptors responsive to distention of the thorax, which are neurologically linked to the medulla via efferent nerve cells, joining them to the expiratory cells present there. Stretch receptors are also found in other… … Wikipedia
stretch receptor — stretch′ recep tor n. anat. cbl muscle spindle • Etymology: 1935–40 … From formal English to slang
stretch receptor — noun a receptor in a muscle that responds to stretching of the muscle tissue • Hypernyms: ↑sense organ, ↑sensory receptor, ↑receptor … Useful english dictionary
stretch receptor — a cell or group of cells found between muscle fibres that responds to stretching of the muscle by transmitting impulses to the central nervous system through the sensory nerves. Stretch receptors are part of the proprioceptor system necessary for … The new mediacal dictionary
stretch receptor — Anat., Physiol. See muscle spindle. [1935 40] * * * … Universalium
Stretch-activated ion channel — Stretch activated or stretch gated ion channels are ion channels which open their pores in response to mechanical deformation of a neuron s plasma membrane. Stretch activated channels were first observed in chick skeletal muscles by Falguni… … Wikipedia
Рецептор Растяжения (Stretch Receptor) — расположенные между мышечными волокнами рецепторы, которые отвечают на растяжение мышцы сенсорными нервными импульсами, поступающими в центральную нервную систему. Рецепторы растяжения являются частью проприоцепторной системы, обеспечивающей… … Медицинские термины
Receptor — In cell biology, a structure on the surface of a cell (or inside a cell) that selectively receives and binds a specific substance. There are hoards of receptors. There are receptors for insulin, receptors for low density lipoproteins (LDL), etc.… … Medical dictionary
Tonic receptor — A tonic receptor is a sensory receptor that continues to produce action potentials over the duration of the stimulus. It conveys information about the duration of the stimulus.Common examples*Stretch receptoree also*Phasic receptor *Tonic… … Wikipedia