
prefix Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, under, below, secretly, from below, near, from sub under, close tomore at up 1. under ; beneath ; below <
2. a. subordinate ; secondary ; next lower than or inferior to <
b. subordinate portion of ; subdivision of <
c. with repetition (as of a process) so as to form, stress, or deal with subordinate parts or relations <
3. less than completely, perfectly, or normally ; somewhat <
4. a. almost ; nearly <
b. falling nearly in the category of and often adjoining ; bordering on <

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Sub- — Sub [zʊp] <Präfix>: vorwiegend im Fachwortschatz; bezeichnet vor allem die räumliche Lage unterhalb oder in unmittelbarer Nähe von etwas sowie ein Unterordnungsverhältnis als Gliederung oder Rangordnung: 1. <substantivisch> Subdiakon …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • sub- — prefix 1: under: beneath: below sub standard 2 a: subordinate: secondary: next lower than or inferior to sub agent b: subordinate portion of: subdivision of sub …   Law dictionary

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  • Sub — is a prefix derived from Latin, meaning under , below , or less than . The analogous Greek prefix is hypo . Antonym: supra.As a word, sub may be an abbreviation for: * Submarine * Submarine sandwich * Subroutine * Subscriber * Substitute,… …   Wikipedia

  • sub- — pref. Elemento designativo de inferioridade, substituição, aproximação.   ‣ Etimologia: latim sub, por baixo   • Nota: É seguido de hífen antes de um elemento começado por b, h ou r (ex.: sub bibliotecário, sub hepático, sub ramoso) …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Sub- — [L. sub under, below; akin to Gr. ?, Skr. upa to, on, under, over. Cf. {Hypo }, {Super }.] 1. A prefix signifying under, below, beneath, and hence often, in an inferior position or degree, in an imperfect or partial state, as in subscribe,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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