
noun Etymology: sub- + infeudation enfeoffment Date: circa 1730 the subdivision of a feudal estate by a vassal who in turn becomes feudal lord over his tenantssubinfeudate transitive verb

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Subinfeudation — Sub*in feu*da tion, n. (Law) (a) The granting of lands by inferior lords to their dependents, to be held by themselves by feudal tenure. Craig. (b) Subordinate tenancy; undertenancy. [1913 Webster] The widow is immediate tenant to the heir, by a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Subinfeudation — Subinfeudation, in English law, is the practice by which tenants, holding land under the king or other superior lord, carved out in their turn by sub letting or alienating a part of their lands new and distinct tenures.The tenants were termed… …   Wikipedia

  • Subinfeudation — (lat.), so v.w. Afterlehn …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • subinfeudation — the process whereby a freehold estate was created out of another freehold estate to be held by the grantee of the grantor in return for specified services or amounts of produce or money. The grant created a tenurial relationship between the… …   Law dictionary

  • subinfeudation — [sub in΄fyo͞o dā′shən] n. 1. the transfer of feudal lands by a vassal lord to a subtenant with all the privileges and responsibilities falling to the new holder 2. tenure so established 3. the lands or fief so held …   English World dictionary

  • subinfeudation — /sub in fyooh day sheuhn/, n. Feudal Law. 1. the granting of a portion of an estate by a feudal tenant to a subtenant, held from the tenant on terms similar to those of the grant to the tenant. 2. the tenure established. 3. the estate or fief so… …   Universalium

  • Subinfeudation — Modern term for the practice of a *vassal having vassals of his own. Cf. Enfeoff; Feudalism; Judicium; Mesne …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • Subinfeudation — ♦ A Western feudal practice by which a vassal of a superior lord could also have vassals of his own. In contrast, in the Orthodox lands all fiefs were held from the crown and all service was owed the ruler. (Fine, John V.A. Jr. The Late Medieval… …   Medieval glossary

  • subinfeudation — sub·infeudation …   English syllables

  • subinfeudation — /sabinfyuwdeyshan/ The system which the feudal tenants introduced of granting smaller estates out of those which they held of their lord, to be held of themselves as inferior lords. As this system was proceeding downward ad infinitum, and… …   Black's law dictionary

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