- sukkah
- noun Etymology: Hebrew sukkāh Date: 1875 a booth or shelter with a roof of branches and leaves that is used especially for meals during the Sukkoth
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
SUKKAH — (Heb. סֻכָּה), booth erected for the festival of sukkot , in accordance with the biblical commandment Ye shall dwell in booths seven days (Lev. 23:42). The reason for the commandment given in the Bible is that your generations may know that I… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
SUKKAH — (Heb. סֻכָּה; booth ), sixth tractate of the order Mo ed in the Mishnah, Tosefta, and Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds. It deals, in five chapters, with laws relating to the festival of sukkot (Tabernacles). The festival is sometimes referred to… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
sukkah — [sook′ə, sook′ä] n. pl. sukkahs or sukkot [sook′ōt, sook′ōs] [see SUKKOT] a temporary structure with a roof of leafy boughs, bamboo sticks, etc., built by Jews for Sukkot to commemorate the tabernacles of the Exodus … English World dictionary
Sukkah — A sukkah is a temporary dwelling that Jews use during the holiday of Sukkot.tructure According to Halakha, a sukkah is a structure consisting of a roof made of organic material which has been disconnected from the ground (the s chach ). A sukkah… … Wikipedia
sukkah — Seph. /sooh kah /; Ashk., Eng. /sook euh/, n., pl. sukkoth, sukkot, sukkos Seph. /sooh kawt /; Ashk. /soo kohs /, Eng. sukkahs. Hebrew. a booth or hut roofed with branches, built against or near a house or synagogue and used during the Jewish… … Universalium
sukkah — noun /ˈsʊkə/ A temporary dwelling or booth used by practising Jews during Tabernacles. But on his return to Atil from the summer hordes, the usurper Buljan ordered that his sukkah be erected on the donjons roof [...] … Wiktionary
sukkah* — suk•kah [[t]suˈkɑ, ˈsʊk ə[/t]] n. pl. suk•koth, suk•kot [[t]suˈkɔt[/t]] Eng. suk•kahs jud Hebrew. a booth or hut roofed with branches, used during Sukkoth as a temporary dining or living area • Etymology: sukkāh lit., booth … From formal English to slang
Sukkah hopping — is the practice of visiting multiple sukkahs in order to eat in each sukkah visited. It has become a tradition in many sizable Jewish communities during Sukkot, particularly among children. While sukkah hopping can occur on any day of Sukkot… … Wikipedia
Sukkah (Talmud) — This is about part of the Talmud; for the Jewish festival whose name is the plural of Sukkah , and the buildings constructed for use during it, see Sukkot. Sukkah (Hebrew: סוכה, hut ) is a book of the Mishnah and Talmud. It is the sixth volume in … Wikipedia
sukkah — Synonyms and related words: Agnus Dei, Holy Grail, Host, Pieta, Sanctus bell, Sangraal, ark, asperger, asperges, aspergillum, bambino, beadroll, beads, candle, censer, chaplet, ciborium, cross, crucifix, cruet, eucharistial, holy cross, holy… … Moby Thesaurus