- biltong
- noun Etymology: Afrikaans, from bil rump + tong tongue Date: 1815 chiefly South African jerked meat
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Biltong — is a kind of cured meat that originated in South Africa. Many different types of meat can be used to make it, ranging from beef through game meats to fillets of ostrich from commercial farms. It is typically made from raw fillets of meat cut into … Wikipedia
Biltong — zum Schnelltrocknen an einen elektrischen Ofen gehängt Biltong in einem Despa … Deutsch Wikipedia
Biltong — cuit Le biltong est un type de viande séchée, issu de la cuisine sud africaine, mis au point par les Afrikaners pour survivre lors du Grand Trek. Le biltong est le plus souvent préparé à partir de viande de bœuf. D autres viandes tel que l… … Wikipédia en Français
Biltong — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Biltong Carne seca El biltong es un tipo de carne seca originaria de la cocina sudafricana. Se emplean en su elaboración muchos tipos de carnes, que van desde la de res hasta cualquier carne procedente de la caza,… … Wikipedia Español
Biltong — Bil tong, n. [S. African.] Lean meat cut into strips and sun dried. H. R. Haggard. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
biltong — [bil′tôŋ] n. [Afrik < Du bil, rump (from which it is cut) + tong, tongue (from the shape)] in South Africa, sun dried strips of meat … English World dictionary
biltong — [19] Biltong, strips of sun dried meat – anything from beef to ostrich – used as iron rations in southern Africa, has the unpromising literal meaning ‘buttock tongue’ (Afrikaans bil is ‘buttock’, tong is ‘tongue’). The reason for the name is… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
biltong — [19] Biltong, strips of sun dried meat – anything from beef to ostrich – used as iron rations in southern Africa, has the unpromising literal meaning ‘buttock tongue’ (Afrikaans bil is ‘buttock’, tong is ‘tongue’). The reason for the name is… … Word origins
biltong — /ˈbɪltɒŋ/ (say biltong) noun (in South Africa) strips of lean meat dried in the open air. {Afrikaans} …
biltong — /bil tawng tong /, n. (in South Africa) strips of lean meat dried in the open air. [1805 15; < Afrik, equiv. to bil rump + tong TONGUE] * * * … Universalium