- superinfection
- noun Date: circa 1922 reinfection or a second infection with a microbial agent (as a bacterium, fungus, or virus) • superinfect transitive verb
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
superinfection — [so͞o΄pərin fek′shən] n. an additional infection occurring during the course of an existing infection, usually caused by opportunistic microorganisms resistant to the antimicrobial agents used in treating the first infection … English World dictionary
Superinfection — In virology, superinfection is the process by which a cell that has previously been infected by one virus gets coinfected with another virus at a later point in time.In medicine, superinfection is an infection following a previous infection,… … Wikipedia
superinfection — A new infection in addition to one already present. * * * su·per·in·fec·tion in fek shən n a second infection superimposed on an earlier one esp. by a different microbial agent of exogenous or endogenous origin that is resistant to the treatment… … Medical dictionary
superinfection — (soo per in fek shun) A new bacterial or fungal infection of a patient that is resistant to the drug(s) being used for treatment … Dictionary of microbiology
superinfection — /sooh peuhr in fek sheuhn/, n. Pathol. marked proliferation of a parasitic microorganism during antimicrobial treatment for another infection. [1920 25; SUPER + INFECTION] * * * … Universalium
superinfection — noun An infection which follows or occurs during another infection or disease process … Wiktionary
superinfection — noun Medicine infection occurring after or on top of an earlier infection, especially following treatment with broad spectrum antibiotics … English new terms dictionary
superinfection — su·per·infection … English syllables
superinfection — n. an infection arising during the course of another infection and caused by a different microorganism, which is usually resistant to the drugs used to treat the primary infection. The infective agent may be a normally harmless inhabitant of the… … The new mediacal dictionary
superinfection — su•per•in•fec•tion [[t]ˈsu pər ɪnˌfɛk ʃən[/t]] n. pat infection by a parasitic microorganism during treatment for another infection • Etymology: 1920–25 … From formal English to slang