
noun Etymology: Middle English suspensyon, from Anglo-French suspension, from Late Latin suspension-, suspensio, from Latin suspendere Date: 15th century 1. the act of suspending ; the state or period of being suspended: as a. temporary removal (as from office or privileges) b. temporary withholding (as of belief or decision) c. temporary abrogation of a law or rule d. (1) the holding over of one or more musical tones of a chord into the following chord producing a momentary discord and suspending the concord which the ear expects; specifically such a dissonance which resolves downward — compare anticipation, retardation (2) the tone thus held over e. stoppage of payment of business obligations ; failure — used especially of a business or a bank f. a rhetorical device whereby the principal idea is deferred to the end of a sentence or longer unit 2. a. the act of hanging ; the state of being hung b. (1) the state of a substance when its particles are mixed with but undissolved in a fluid or solid (2) a substance in this state (3) a system consisting of a solid dispersed in a solid, liquid, or gas usually in particles of larger than colloidal size — compare emulsion 3. something suspended 4. the means by which something is suspended; especially the system of devices (as springs) supporting the upper part of a vehicle on the axles

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • suspensión — (Del lat. suspensĭo, ōnis). 1. f. Acción y efecto de suspender. 2. Censura eclesiástica o corrección gubernativa que en todo o en parte priva del uso del oficio, beneficio o empleo o de sus goces y emolumentos. 3. En los carruajes, cada una de… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

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