Symbolic logic — is the area of mathematics which studies the purely formal properties of strings of symbols. The interest in this area springs from two sources. First, the symbols used in symbolic logic can be seen as representing the words used in philosophical … Wikipedia
symbolic logic — n. a modern type of formal logic using special symbols for propositions, quantifiers, and relationships among propositions and concerned with the elucidation of permissible operations upon such symbols … English World dictionary
symbolic logic — simbolinė logika statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. symbolic logic vok. symbolische Logik, f rus. символическая логика, f pranc. logique symbolique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
symbolic logic — noun any logical system that abstracts the form of statements away from their content in order to establish abstract criteria of consistency and validity • Syn: ↑mathematical logic, ↑formal logic • Hypernyms: ↑logic, ↑logical system, ↑system of… … Useful english dictionary
symbolic logic — a modern development of formal logic employing a special notation or symbolism capable of manipulation in accordance with precise rules. Also called mathematical logic. [1880 85] * * * … Universalium
symbolic logic — symbol′ic log′ic n. pho a modern development of formal logic employing a special notation or symbolism capable of manipulation in accordance with precise rules Also called mathematical logic … From formal English to slang
symbolic logic — noun Synonym for mathematical logic (obsolescent) … Wiktionary
symbolic logic — General term, not currently much used, for the study of formal logic . Generally, the study of logical form requires using particular schematic letters and variables (‘symbols’) to stand where terms of a particular category might occur in… … Philosophy dictionary
symbolic logic — /sɪmˌbɒlɪk ˈlɒdʒɪk/ (say sim.bolik lojik) noun a system of logic that has been reduced to a set of precise rules, used in mathematical proofs and also in constructing digital computers …
symbolic logic — noun the use of symbols to denote propositions, terms, and relations in order to assist reasoning … English new terms dictionary