
noun Etymology: Middle English, from Latin temperamentum, from temperare to mix, temper Date: 15th century 1. obsolete a. constitution of a substance, body, or organism with respect to the mixture or balance of its elements, qualities, or parts ; makeup b. complexion 1 2. obsolete a. climate b. temperature 2 3. a. the peculiar or distinguishing mental or physical character determined by the relative proportions of the humors according to medieval physiology b. characteristic or habitual inclination or mode of emotional response <
a nervous temperament
c. extremely high sensibility; especially excessive sensitiveness or irritability 4. a. the act or process of tempering or modifying ; adjustment, compromise b. middle course ; mean 5. the slight modification of acoustically pure intervals in tuning a musical instrument; especially modification that produces a set of 12 equally spaced tones to the octave Synonyms: see disposition

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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