therapeutic index — n a measure of the relative desirability of a drug for the attaining of a particular medical end that is usu. expressed as the ratio of the largest dose producing no toxic symptoms to the smallest dose routinely producing cures * * * the ratio of … Medical dictionary
Therapeutic index — The therapeutic index (also known as therapeutic ratio), is a comparison of the amount of a therapeutic agent that causes the therapeutic effect to the amount that causes toxic effects. Quantitatively, it is the ratio given by the toxic dose… … Wikipedia
therapeutic index — noun : a measure of the relative desirability of a drug for attaining a particular medical end that is usually expressed as the ratio of the largest dose producing no toxic symptoms to the smallest dose routinely producing cures * * * Pharm. the… … Useful english dictionary
therapeutic index — Pharm. the ratio between the dosage of a drug that causes a lethal effect and the dosage that causes a therapeutic effect. Also called margin of safety. [1925 30] * * * … Universalium
therapeutic index — the ratio of a dose of a therapeutic agent that produces damage to normal cells to the dose that is necessary to have a defined level of anticancer activity. It indicates the relative efficacy of a treatment against tumours … The new mediacal dictionary
therapeutic index — ther′apeu′tic in′dex n. pha the ratio between the dosage of a drug that causes a lethal effect and the dosage that causes a therapeutic effect • Etymology: 1925–30 … From formal English to slang
Therapeutic window — (or pharmaceutical window) is an index for estimation of drug dosage which can treat disease effectively while staying within the safety range. In other words, it is the dosage of a medication between the amount that gives an effect (effective… … Wikipedia
therapeutic window — n 1) the range of dosage of a drug or of its concentration in a bodily system that provides safe effective therapy <the narrow therapeutic window...the effect may go from therapeutic to toxic with an increase of just 10 micrograms per… … Medical dictionary
therapeutic — index curative, cure, medicinal, palliative (abating), remedial, salubrious, salutary Burton s Legal Th … Law dictionary
Therapeutic effect — A therapeutic effect is a consequence of a medical treatment, of any kind, the results of which are judged to be desirable and beneficial. This is true whether the result was expected, unexpected, or even an unintended consequence of the… … Wikipedia