Time Capsule — es un periférico inalámbrico de network attached storage, acompañado de un enrutador creado y comercializado por Apple Inc. Fue presentado en la Macworld Conference Expo el 15 de enero de 2008 y fue lanzado al mercado el 29 de febrero del mismo… … Wikipedia Español
Time Capsule — est un périphérique de stockage en réseau NAS sans fil accompagné d un routeur conçu et commercialisé par Apple Inc. L une des fonctions clés de Time Capsule est la possibilité de faire des sauvegardes automatiques à distance à l’aide de Time… … Wikipédia en Français
time capsule — time ,capsule noun count a container filled with typical things from a particular time and buried under the ground so that people in the future will learn about life at that time … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
time capsule — time .capsule n a container that is filled with objects from a particular time, so that people in the future will know what life was like then … Dictionary of contemporary English
time capsule — ► NOUN ▪ a container storing a selection of objects chosen as being typical of the present time, buried for discovery in the future … English terms dictionary
time capsule — ☆ time capsule n. a container in which articles, documents, etc. representative of current civilization are encased, to be buried or otherwise preserved for a future age … English World dictionary
Time capsule — A time capsule is a historic cache of goods and/or information, usually intended as a method of communication with people in the future. Time capsules are sometimes created and buried during celebrations such as a World Fair, cornerstone laying… … Wikipedia
Time Capsule — Apple Time Capsule Time Capsule (рус. капсула времени) устройство, выпускаемое компанией Apple Inc. Time Capsule это сочетание жёсткого диск … Википедия
time capsule — noun container for preserving historical records to be discovered at some future time • Hypernyms: ↑container * * * noun, pl ⋯ sules [count] : a container that is filled with things (such as newspapers or clothing) from the present time and that… … Useful english dictionary
time capsule — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms time capsule : singular time capsule plural time capsules a container that is filled with typical things from a particular time and buried under the ground so that people in the future will learn about life at… … English dictionary