tree hugger

tree hugger
noun Date: 1982 sometimes disparaging environmentalist 2; especially an advocate for the preservation of woodlands

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • tree-hugger — tree hugging, adj. /tree hug euhr/, n. an environmentalist, esp. one concerned with preserving forests. [1985 90] * * * ˈtree hugger 8 [tree hugger] noun (informal …   Useful english dictionary

  • tree-hugger — [trē′hug΄ər] n. Informal ENVIRONMENTALIST (n. 2): a jocular or pejorative usage: also written tree hugger …   English World dictionary

  • Tree hugger — can refer to: * A slang term for environmentalists * Chipko movement, an environmental movement in India * TreeHugger, a sustainability website …   Wikipedia

  • tree hugger — UK [ˈtriː ˌhʌɡə(r)] / US [ˈtrɪ ˌhʌɡər] noun [countable] Word forms tree hugger : singular tree hugger plural tree huggers very informal someone who wants to protect the environment, especially forests. This word shows that you think people like… …   English dictionary

  • tree hugger — noun derogatory term for environmentalists who support restrictions on the logging industry and the preservation of forests • Usage Domain: ↑disparagement, ↑depreciation, ↑derogation • Hypernyms: ↑environmentalist, ↑conservationist * * * noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • Tree\ Hugger — A particularly extreme environmentalist. Did you ever see that Tree Hugger who spent 2 whole years sitting on a giant redwood tree, so it wouldn t be cut down? If she had just worked those 2 years, she could have saved her money and simply bought …   Dictionary of american slang

  • Tree\ Hugger — A particularly extreme environmentalist. Did you ever see that Tree Hugger who spent 2 whole years sitting on a giant redwood tree, so it wouldn t be cut down? If she had just worked those 2 years, she could have saved her money and simply bought …   Dictionary of american slang

  • tree hugger — noun (disapproving) An environmental campaigner, especially one who aims to restrict logging. Lets go now, tree hugger, gasped one of them. The shows over. Everybody beat it, ordered the other. Syn: prairie fairy …   Wiktionary

  • tree-hugger — tree hugging, adj. /tree hug euhr/, n. an environmentalist, esp. one concerned with preserving forests. [1985 90] * * * …   Universalium

  • tree-hugger — tree′ hug ger n. inf an environmentalist, esp. one concerned with preserving forests • Etymology: 1985–90 tree′ hug ging, adj …   From formal English to slang

  • tree hugger — tree hug|ger [ tri ,hʌgər ] noun count VERY INFORMAL someone who wants to protect the environment, especially forests. This word shows that you think people like this are silly and annoying …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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