Tumbler — may refer to:* A part of a lock whose position must be changed by a key in order to release the bolt (see also: pin tumbler lock, tubular pin tumbler lock, and disc tumbler lock) * Flat bottomed glassware and drinkware without a handle, foot, or… … Wikipedia
Tumbler — mit Whisky Ein Tumbler (von engl. to tumble stürzen, taumeln) ist ein kurzes Trinkglas mit einem dicken, sehr stabilen Boden, der ursprünglich rund geformt war, so dass das Glas beim aufrechten Hinstellen umfiel, was ihm im Englischen seinen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tumbler — Le tumbler est un verre d une contenance de 25 cl, idéal pour servir les cocktails de type long drinks. Ceux ci, préparés pour être servis dans des tumblers n’excèdent pas 15 cl puisque la glace occupe un espace important dans le verre … Wikipédia en Français
Tumbler — Tum bler, n. 1. One who tumbles; one who plays tricks by various motions of the body; an acrobat. [1913 Webster] 2. A movable obstruction in a lock, consisting of a lever, latch, wheel, slide, or the like, which must be adjusted to a particular… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tumbler — (n.) mid 14c., acrobat, agent noun from TUMBLE (Cf. tumble) (v.). A fem. form was tumbester (late 14c.). Meaning drinking glass is recorded from 1660s, originally a glass with a rounded or pointed bottom which would cause it to tumble, and thus… … Etymology dictionary
tumbler — ► NOUN 1) a drinking glass with straight sides and no handle or stem. [ORIGIN: formerly having a rounded bottom so as not to stand upright.] 2) an acrobat. 3) a pivoted piece in a lock that holds the bolt until lifted by a key. 4) an electrical… … English terms dictionary
tumbler — [tum′blər] n. 1. an acrobat or gymnast who does somersaults, handsprings, etc. 2. a dog, such as a small greyhound, formerly trained to seize rabbits after attracting their attention by tumbling about acrobatically 3. a kind of pigeon that does… … English World dictionary
tumbler — [[t]tʌ̱mblə(r)[/t]] tumblers 1) N COUNT A tumbler is a drinking glass with straight sides. He took a tumbler from a cupboard. N COUNT: usu N of n The contents of a tumbler can be referred to as a tumbler of something. Add a few drops to half a… … English dictionary
tumbler — UK [ˈtʌmblə(r)] / US [ˈtʌmblər] noun [countable] Word forms tumbler : singular tumbler plural tumblers 1) a) a drinking glass without a handle or stem b) the amount of drink that a tumbler can contain 2) old fashioned someone who does a… … English dictionary
Tumbler — Trockner; Wäschetrockner * * * Tum|b|ler [ tamblɐ ], der; s, [engl. tumbler, gek. aus: tumble drier, aus: to tumble = schleudern u. drier, zu: to dry = trocknen]: (schweiz.) elektrischer Wäschetrockner. * * * Tumb|ler [ tamblɐ], der; s, [engl.… … Universal-Lexikon