
noun (plural -ties) Etymology: Middle French velocité, from Latin velocitat-, velocitas, from veloc-, velox quick; probably akin to Latin vegēre to enlivenmore at wake Date: 15th century 1. a. quickness of motion ; speed <
the velocity of sound
b. rapidity of movement <
[my horse's] strong suit is grace & personal comeliness, rather than velocityMark Twain
c. speed imparted to something <
the power pitcher relies on velocityTony Scherman
2. the rate of change of position along a straight line with respect to time ; the derivative of position with respect to time 3. a. rate of occurrence or action ; rapidity <
the velocity of historical changeR. J. Lifton
b. rate of turnover <
the velocity of money

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Velocity — Ve*loc i*ty, n.; pl. {Velocities}. [L. velocitas, from velox, ocis, swift, quick; perhaps akin to v?lare to fly (see {Volatile}): cf. F. v[ e]locit[ e].] [1913 Webster] 1. Quickness of motion; swiftness; speed; celerity; rapidity; as, the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Velocity — (dt. Geschwindigkeit) bezeichnet bei anschlagsdynamischen elektronischen Tasteninstrumenten (z. B. Synthesizer oder Keyboards) die sogenannte Anschlagsgeschwindigkeit, d. h. diejenige Geschwindigkeit, mit der eine Taste niedergedrückt… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • velocity — index haste, rate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • velocity — 1550a, from L. velocitatem (nom. velocitas) swiftness, speed, from velox (gen. velocis) swift, of uncertain origin, perhaps related to vehere carry (see VEHICLE (Cf. vehicle)), or from the same root as vegetable (see VIGIL (Cf. vigil)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • velocity — *speed, momentum, impetus, pace, headway Analogous words: *celerity, legerity, alacrity: *haste, hurry, expedition, dispatch …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • velocity — [n] speed acceleration, celerity, dispatch, expedition, fleetness, gait, haste, headway, hurry, impetus, momentum, pace, quickness, rapidity, rapidness, rate, swiftness, tempo; concepts 755,792 …   New thesaurus

  • velocity — ► NOUN (pl. velocities) 1) the speed of something in a given direction. 2) (in general use) speed. ORIGIN Latin velocitas, from velox swift …   English terms dictionary

  • velocity — [və läs′ə tē] n. pl. velocities [Fr vélocité < L velocitas < velox: see VELOCIPEDE] 1. quickness or rapidity of motion or action; swiftness; speed 2. a) rate of change of position, in relation to time; SPEED (sense 2a) b) …   English World dictionary

  • Velocity — In physics, velocity is defined as the rate of change of position. It is a vector physical quantity; both speed and direction are required to define it. In the SI (metric) system, it is measured in meters per second: (m/s) or ms 1. The scalar… …   Wikipedia

  • velocity — 1) a vector quantity equal to the rate that position changes with time 2) velocity of a point in a vibrating system is the time rate of change of its displacement. ambient wind velocity forward velocity impact velocity lateral velocity… …   Mechanics glossary

  • Velocity XL — The Velocity XL is the eXtra Large version of the canard pusher aircraft from Velocity Aircraft. Available in 4 seat or 5 seat (the 5 version) configurations, this aircraft offers spacious, high performance long distance stylish cruising. Powered …   Wikipedia

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