- walkathon
- noun Etymology: walk + -athon Date: 1932 a walk covering a considerable distance organized especially to raise money for a cause
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Walkathon — A walkathon (walk a thon), walking marathon or sponsored walk is a type of community or school fundraiser in which participants raise money by collecting donations or pledges for walking a predetermined distance or course. They are similar in… … Wikipedia
walkathon — /waw keuh thon /, n. 1. a long distance walking race for testing endurance. 2. such a contest held to raise funds for a charity or special cause, with supporters or sponsors pledging to donate a sum for a specific contestant or team for each mile … Universalium
walkathon — noun a long distance walk, either as a race or in aid of charity … Wiktionary
walkathon — noun informal a long distance walk organized as a fund raising event. Origin 1930s: from walk, on the pattern of marathon … English new terms dictionary
walkathon — walk·a·thon … English syllables
walkathon — walk•a•thon [[t]ˈwɔ kəˌθɒn[/t]] n. 1) cvb spo a long distance walking race 2) cvb spo such a race held to raise funds for a charity or cause • Etymology: 1930–35 … From formal English to slang
walkathon — /ˈwɔkəθɒn/ (say wawkuhthon) noun a charity fundraising event in which participants undertake to walk a certain distance and are guaranteed a donation toward the charity in proportion to the distance walked. See athon …
walkathon — n. an organized fund raising walk. Etymology: WALK, after MARATHON … Useful english dictionary
Miles for Millions Walkathon — The Miles for Millions walkathon was introduced to Canada in 1967. It was modeled after the Oxfam, United Kingdom, walkathon which was created to alleviate third world hunger and poverty. Like the Oxfam walkathon, the Miles for Millions was… … Wikipedia
Nagoya Walkathon — The Nagoya Walkathon and International Charity Festival is a foreign organized charity event started in 1991 in Nagoya, Japan that is held annually on a Sunday in May. This event is sponsored by the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ)… … Wikipedia