
noun Etymology: Spanish yucateco Date: 1843 1. a member of an American Indian people of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico 2. the Mayan language of the YucatecsYucatecan adjective or noun

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Yucatec — Yucatecan, adj., n. /yooh keuh tek /, n., pl. Yucatecs, (esp. collectively) Yucatec. 1. a member of an American Indian people of Yucatán, Mexico. 2. Also called Yucatec Mayan. the Mayan language of these people. 3. a native or inhabitant of… …   Universalium

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  • Yucatec — noun a) A member of a Mayan people inhabiting the Yucatán peninsula b) Their language …   Wiktionary

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