- bombed-out
- adjective
Date: 1972
1. destroyed by bombing <a bombed-out factory> 2. extremely dilapidated or run-down <>
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
bombed-out — adjective 1. ) destroyed by bombs: bombed out buildings/villages 2. ) forced to leave a place because of being attacked by bombs: bombed out families 3. ) VERY INFORMAL strongly affected by alcohol or drugs … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
bombed-out — /bomd owt /, adj. destroyed or severely damaged by or as by bombing: a bombed out village; a bombed out economy. [1915 20] * * * adj. 1) [attrib.] (of a building or city) destroyed by bombing 2) informal another term for bombed (sense 2) * * *… … Useful english dictionary
bombed-out — /bomd owt /, adj. destroyed or severely damaged by or as by bombing: a bombed out village; a bombed out economy. [1915 20] * * * … Universalium
bombed-out — ADJ: ADJ n A bombed out building has been damaged or destroyed by a bomb. ...patients who d been trapped in a bombed out hospital … English dictionary
bombed-out — UK / US adjective 1) destroyed by bombs bombed out buildings/villages 2) forced to leave a place because of being attacked by bombs bombed out families … English dictionary
bombed (out) — mod. alcohol or drug intoxicated. (Possibly from embalmed.) □ They were bombed and looked nearly dead. □ How can I drive when I’m bombed out? … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
bombed out — adj. demolished or gravely damaged by or as by bombing; (Slang) drunk, pissed (e.g., At the office Christmas party, Maureen was totally bombed out ) … English contemporary dictionary
bombed out — under the influence of narcotics or alcohol Either or both: ... he was dropping acid and bombed out of his gourd most of the time on pills and booze. (Sanders, 1977) A bomb, bomber, or bombita is usually a marijuana cigarette or a… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
bombed out — Adj. Incapacitated by drink or drugs. Also shortened to bombed … English slang and colloquialisms
bombed-out ruins — n. debris caused by bombing, ruins as a result of bombing … English contemporary dictionary