- zygomatic
- adjective Date: 1709 of, relating to, constituting, or situated in the region of the zygomatic bone or zygomatic arch
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Zygomatic — yg o*mat ic (?; 277), a. [Cf. F. zygomatique.] (Anat.) Of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the zygoma. [1913 Webster] {Zygomatic arch}, the arch of bone beneath the orbit, formed in most mammals by the union of the malar, or jugal, with the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Zygomatic — (from Greek zygoma , yoke ) can refer to: * Zygomatic bone * Zygomaticus major muscle … Wikipedia
zygomatic — (adj.) 1709, from L. zygomaticus, from Gk. zygoma (see ZYGOMA (Cf. zygoma)) … Etymology dictionary
zygomatic — Relating to the z. bone. * * * zy·go·mat·ic .zī gə mat ik adj of, relating to, constituting, or situated in the region of the zygomatic bone and the zygomatic arch <a zygomatic reconstruction involving multiple bone grafts> zygomatic n… … Medical dictionary
zygomatic — adj. of the zygomatic process (process of the temporal bone); of the zygomatic bone (cheek bone) … English contemporary dictionary
zygomatic — adj. of or relating to the zygoma. Phrases and idioms: zygomatic arch = ZYGOMA. zygomatic bone the bone that forms the prominent part of the cheek … Useful english dictionary
zygomatic — /zuy geuh mat ik, zig euh /, Anat. adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or situated near the zygoma. n. 2. See zygomatic bone. [1700 10; zygomat (comb. form of ZYGOMA) + IC] * * * … Universalium
zygomatic — zy•go•mat•ic [[t]ˌzaɪ gəˈmæt ɪk, ˌzɪg ə [/t]] adj. 1) anat. of, pertaining to, or situated near the zygoma 2) anat. zygomatic bone • Etymology: 1700–10 … From formal English to slang
Zygomatic process — is a protrusion from the rest of the skull, like the bumper of a car. Most of it belongs to the zygomatic bone, and could therefore be called the zygomatic process of the zygomatic bone. However, there are other bones contributing to it too,… … Wikipedia
Zygomatic arch — Zygomatic yg o*mat ic (?; 277), a. [Cf. F. zygomatique.] (Anat.) Of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the zygoma. [1913 Webster] {Zygomatic arch}, the arch of bone beneath the orbit, formed in most mammals by the union of the malar, or jugal … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English