Goya (y Lucientes)

Goya (y Lucientes)
biographical name Francisco José de 1746-1828 Spanish painter • Goyaesque or Goyesque adjective

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Goya (y Lucientes) — [gō̂′yä ē lo͞o thyen′tās] Francisco José de [frän thēs′kō̂ hō̂ se′ the] 1746 1828; Sp. painter …   English World dictionary

  • Goya (y Lucientes) — [gō̂′yä ē lo͞o thyen′tās] Francisco José de [frän thēs′kō̂ hō̂ se′ the] 1746 1828; Sp. painter …   English World dictionary

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