Gregory of Tours

Gregory of Tours
biographical name Saint 538-594 Frankish ecclesiastic & historian

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • GREGORY OF TOURS° — (Georgius Florentius; 538–594), bishop of Tours from 573. Most of the information on the Jews in Merovingian France during the second half of the sixth century comes from Gregory. He was present at – and later participated – in the disputation… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Gregory of Tours — Saint (A.D. 538? 594?); Frank. historian & bishop: his day is Nov. 17 …   English World dictionary

  • Gregory of Tours — Infobox Saint name=Saint Gregory of Tours birth date=November 30 c. 538 death date=death date|593|11|17|mf=y or 594cite encyclopedia | title =St. Gregory of Tours | encyclopedia =The Catholic Encyclopedia | volume =7 | publisher =Robert Appleton… …   Wikipedia

  • Gregory of Tours — (c. 538 594)    Bishop of Tours from 573 until his death in 594, Gregory came from an illustrious Gallo Roman family that included powerful political and religious figures. His father, Florentius, was a member of the senatorial class, and… …   Encyclopedia of Barbarian Europe

  • Gregory of Tours — (ca. 538–594)    Gregory of Tours was a sixth century Gallo Roman bishop, historian, and writer of SAINTS’ LIVES, whose Historia Francorum (History of the Franks) is our most important source for the history of early Merovingian France.… …   Encyclopedia of medieval literature

  • Gregory of Tours — (c. 538–94)    Bishop and Historian.    Gregory was consecrated Bishop of Tours in France in 573. He is remembered for his Historia Francorum, which covers the history of the Frankish people from the creation of the world to his own times.… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Gregory of Tours,Saint — Gregory of Tours (to͝or, to͞or), Saint. 538 594. Frankish prelate and historian who produced a valuable history of the sixth century Franks. * * * …   Universalium

  • Gregory of Tours, Saint — • Lengthy article about this bishop, historian, and theologian. He died in 593 or 594 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Gregory of Tours, Saint — orig. Georgius Florentius born Nov. 30?, 538/539, Clermont, Aquitaine? died Nov. 17, 594?, Tours, Neustria Frankish bishop and writer. Born into an aristocratic family that had produced several bishops of what is today central France, Gregory… …   Universalium

  • GREGORY OF TOURS, ST. —    bishop of Tours, French theologian and historian, born at Clermont; was mixed up a good deal in the political strife of the time, and suffered not a little persecution; was the author of a History of the Franks, the earliest of French… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Gregory of Tours —    Historian of the Franks (q.v.); bishop (q.v.) of Tours (573 594). His Historia Francorum (History of the Franks) covers the period from the Creation to 591, but it is ofvalue chiefly for the period of his bishopric, which he writes about in… …   Historical dictionary of Byzantium

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