
biographical name 73-4 B.C. the Great Roman king of Judea (37-4)

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • HEROD I — (73?–4 B.C.E.), king of Judea from 37 B.C.E. until his death. Herod was the second son of the idumean antipater and cypros . Nothing is known of his youth, but it is clear that he began the struggle for power early in life. In 47 B.C.E. he was… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Herod — • Herod was the name of many rulers mentioned in the N.T. and in history. It was known long before the time of the biblical Herods Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Herod     Herod   …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Herod — was the name used by several kings belonging to the Herodian Dynasty of Roman Iudaea Province:* Herod the Great (c. 74 4 BC), king of Judea who reconstructed the Second Temple in Jerusalem and was described in the Gospel of Matthew as ordering… …   Wikipedia

  • HEROD — (late first century B.C.E.), son of herod the Great and Mariamne, daughter of simeon b. boethus . Implicated in the conspiracy of his half brother antipater , against his father (5 B.C.E.), Herod was cut off from his father s will and forfeited… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • HEROD II — (d. 48 C.E.), grandson of herod the Great and Mariamne the Hasmonean; son of Aristobulus and brother of agrippa i ; king of Chalcis 41–48 C.E. The emperor Claudius granted Herod the kingdom of chalcis in the Lebanon in 41 C.E. In 45 C.E. he and… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Herod — (né le 12 mai 1758, mort en 1780) était une cheval de course pur sang anglais qui eut une grande influence sur la race et est considéré comme l un des 4 étalons du XVIII° siècle à l origine de la race telle qu on la connait aujourd hui, avec… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Herod — [her′əd] [L Herodes < Gr Hērōdēs] 73? 4 B.C.; Idumaean king of Judea (37 4): called Herod the Great …   English World dictionary

  • Herod — Hèrod, Vȅlikī (o.72 4. pr. Kr.) DEFINICIJA pov. bibl. židovski kralj Galileje i Judeje od 37. do 4. pr. Kr.; rimski vazal, tiranin; prema Novom zavjetu naredio pokolj djece u Betlehemu iz straha od Isusova rođenja …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Herod — /her euhd/, n. ( the Great ) 73? 4 B.C., king of Judea 37 4. * * * I known as Herod the Great born 73 BC died March/April, 4 BC, Jericho, Judaea Roman appointed king of Judaea (37–4 BC). A practicing Jew, he was of Arab origin. He was critical to …   Universalium

  • Herod — The Greek name of an Idumean dynasty whose members governed Palestine for a century and a half, which included the NT era. Herod the Great (40 to 4 BCE), son of Antipater, was married to Mariamne Ⅰ, a Hasmonean [[➝ Hasmoneans]]. Herod was a… …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • Herod — Her|od 1.) Herod the Great (74 4 BC) the king of Judea at the time when Jesus Christ was born. according to the New Testament of the Bible, he ordered that all the male babies in Bethlehem should be killed because he wanted to kill the baby who… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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