- Hertzog
- biographical name J(ames) B(arry) M(unnik) 1866-1942 South African general & politician; prime minister (1924-39)
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Hertzog — ist der Name folgender Personen: Bernhart Hertzog (1537–1596), deutscher Jurist James Barry Munnick Hertzog (1866–1942), südafrikanischer General und Politiker Johann Friedrich Hertzog (1647–1699), deutscher Jurist und Dichter Karl Hertzog… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hertzog — is a German surname, which is a variant of Herzog. Hertzog may refer to: * James Barry Munnik Hertzog, a prime minister of South Africa. * Lawrence Hertzog, a television writer and creator of Nowhere Man . * The German printer Johann Hamman was… … Wikipedia
Hertzog — Hertzog, Enrique Hertzog, James Barry … Enciclopedia Universal
Hertzog — (James) (1866 1942) homme politique sud africain; fondateur du National Party en 1912, Premier ministre de 1924 à 1939 … Encyclopédie Universelle
Hertzog — Hertzog, Herzog Correspond au mot allemand Herzog (= duc). Il s agit d un sobriquet, ou encore du surnom donné à celui qui travaillait au service d un duc … Noms de famille
Hertzog, J B M — ▪ prime minister of South Africa born April 3, 1866, near Wellington, Cape Colony died Nov. 21, 1942, Pretoria, Union of South Africa soldier and statesman who held the post of prime minister of the Union of South Africa from 1924 to 1939.… … Universalium
Hertzog — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Patronymes Hertzog est un patronyme d origine allemande signifiant Duc . Albert Hertzog (1899 1982), homme politique sud africain Jean Claude Hertzog… … Wikipédia en Français
Hertzog — Hẹrtzog, James Barry Munnick, südafrikanischer Politiker und Offizier, * Wellington (Kapland) 3. 4. 1866, ✝ Pretoria 21. 11. 1942; kämpfte im Burenkrieg 1899 1902 gegen die Briten, wurde 1907 Minister im Oranje Freistaat und war 1910 12… … Universal-Lexikon
Hertzog Prize — The Hertzog Prize or (Hertzogprys) is an annual award given to Afrikaans language writers by the South African Academy for the Sciences and Arts (Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns), formerly the South African Academy for Language,… … Wikipedia
Hertzog, J(ames) B(arry) M(unnik) — born April 3, 1866, near Wellington, Cape Colony died Nov. 21, 1942, Pretoria, S.Af. Prime minister of the Union of South Africa (1924–39). His political principles were South Africa First (i.e., ahead of the British Empire) and the Two Streams… … Universalium