
biographical name 1332-1406 Arab historian

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Ibn Khaldun — Ibn Khaldoun  Cet article concerne Abderrahman ben Khaldoun, dit « ibn Khaldoun ». Pour son frère Yahya, voir Yahya ben Khaldoun. Ibn Khaldoun …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ibn Khaldûn — Ibn Khaldoun  Cet article concerne Abderrahman ben Khaldoun, dit « ibn Khaldoun ». Pour son frère Yahya, voir Yahya ben Khaldoun. Ibn Khaldoun …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ibn Khaldun — Ibn Chaldun (arabisch ‏ابن خلدون ‎ Ibn Chaldūn, mit vollem Namen ‏ولي الدين عبد الرحمن ابن محمد بن محمد بن أبي بكر محمد بن الحسن‎ Walī ad Dīn ʿAbd ar Raḥmān ibn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Abī Bakr Muḥammad ibn al Ḥasan; * 27. Mai 1332 in Tunis; †… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • IBN KHALDUN — En ce XIVe siècle (VIIIe de l’hégire), les rivalités dynastiques déchirent le Maghreb. La Reconquista chrétienne entreprend de mettre un terme au destin d’al Andalus presque réduit à la gloire de Grenade. L’Orient arabe subit la terrible invasion …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Ibn Khaldun — Infobox Philosopher region = Muslim scholar era = Medieval era color = #B0C4DE image caption = name = Ibn Khaldun birth = 27 May, 1332 AD / 732 AH death = 19 March 1406 AD / 808 AH school tradition = Maliki madhab, Islamic economic jurisprudence… …   Wikipedia

  • ibn Khaldun — /ib euhn khahl doohn /, n. Abd al Rahman /ahb dahl rddah mahn/, 1332 1406, Arab historian and philosopher. * * * orig. Abū Zayd ʽAbd al Raḥmān ibn Khaldūn born May 27, 1332, Tunis, Tun. died March 17, 1406, Cairo, Egypt Noted Arab historian. He… …   Universalium

  • Ibn Khaldūn — (1332–1406)    Islam’s most admired historian, ‘Abd ar Rahmān Abū Zayd ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Khaldūn generally known simply as Ibn Khaldūn is chiefly remembered as the author of the MUQADDIMAH (literally, “Introduction,” namely to a work… …   Encyclopedia of medieval literature

  • Ibn Khaldun, ‘Abd al-Rahman — (732–808/1332–1406)    Ibn Khaldun is something of a sui generis figure in the Islamic philosophical tradition. An enormously original and important thinker who stands out even more strikingly because of the age of intellectual decline in which… …   Islamic philosophy dictionary

  • Ibn Khaldun `Abd al-Rahman — (1332 1406)    One of the most brilliant social thinkers ever produced in the Maghrib and also undoubtedly one of the most famous figures from the Marinid period. His theories about society and political development have been of great value to… …   Historical dictionary of the berbers (Imazighen)

  • ibn Khaldun — /ib euhn khahl doohn /, n. Abd al Rahman /ahb dahl rddah mahn/, 1332 1406, Arab historian and philosopher …   Useful english dictionary

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