- Isherwood
- biographical name Christopher William Bradshaw 1904-1986 American (British-born) writer
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Isherwood — ist der Name folgender Personen: Benjamin F. Isherwood (1822–1915), US amerikanischer Schiffbauingenieur Brian Isherwood (* 1946), neuseeländischer Cricket Spieler Christopher Isherwood (1904−1986), britisch amerikanischer Schriftsteller Geof… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Isherwood — may refer to:People*Benjamin F. Isherwood (1822 mdash;1915), U.S. ship s engineer and United States Navy admiral *Brian Isherwood (born 1946), New Zealand cricketer *Christopher Isherwood (1904 mdash;1986), Anglo American novelist *Geof Isherwood … Wikipedia
ISHERWOOD (C.) — ISHERWOOD CHRISTOPHER (1904 1986) Né en 1904 dans une vieille famille anglaise, Christopher Isherwood entre au collège de Corpus Christi et y rencontre deux poètes qui resteront ses amis: Stephen Spender et Wystan Hugh Auden. Avec eux, il voyage… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Isherwood — [ ɪʃəwʊd], Christopher, eigentlich C. William Bradshaw Isherwood [ brædʃɔ ], englischer Schriftsteller, * Disley (County Cheshire) 26. 8. 1904, ✝ Santa Monica (Calif.) 4. 1. 1986; studierte Medizin, lebte 1929 33 als Sprachlehrer in Berlin;… … Universal-Lexikon
Isherwood — [ish′ər wood] Christopher (William Bradshaw) 1904 86; U.S. writer, born in England … English World dictionary
Isherwood — Christopher Isherwood Christopher Isherwood (à gauche) et W.H. Auden (à droite), photographiés par Carl Van Vechten, 1939 Christopher William Bradshaw Isherwood est un écrivain britannique naturalisé américain en 1946, né le 26 … Wikipédia en Français
Isherwood — This interesting name, with the variants Esherwood and Usherwood, is of English origin and is locational from a now so called lost village in the Parish of Bolton le Moors, Lancashire. The name is first found in Lancashire records in the 13th… … Surnames reference
Isherwood — noun United States writer (born in England) whose best known novels portray Berlin in the 1930 s and who collaborated with W. H. Auden in writing plays in verse (1904 1986) • Syn: ↑Christopher Isherwood, ↑Christopher William Bradshaw Isherwood •… … Useful english dictionary
Isherwood, Christopher William Bradshaw — Christopher Isherwood (links) und W. H. Auden (rechts) fotografiert von Carl van Vechten, 6. Februar 1939 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Isherwood, Christopher — orig. Christopher William Bradshaw born Aug. 26, 1904, High Lane, Cheshire, Eng. died Jan. 4, 1986, Santa Monica, Calif., U.S. British born U.S. writer. Educated at Cambridge University, he became close friends with W.H. Auden, with whom he… … Universalium
Isherwood, Christopher — (1904–1986) British novelist and Western Hindu pioneer Christopher William Bradshaw Isherwood, a prominent Anglo American novelist and early gay activist, was also an outspoken apologist for the VEDANTA SOCIETY and its ADVAITA (non dualist) … Encyclopedia of Hinduism