Montcalm de Saint-Véran

Montcalm de Saint-Véran
biographical name Marquis de 1712-1759 Louis-Joseph de Montcalm-Grozon French field marshal

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • MONTCALM DE SAINT-VÉRAN (L. J. de) — MONTCALM DE SAINT VÉRAN LOUIS JOSEPH marquis de (1712 1759) Intelligent, spirituel et brave, le marquis de Montcalm, issu d’une noble famille de la région nîmoise, entre dans l’armée à quinze ans et y fait une brillante carrière; il est colonel à …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Montcalm de Saint-Véran — (spr. mongkálm d ßängweráng), Louis Joseph, Marquis de, franz. Feldherr, geb. 28. Febr. 1712 auf dem Schloß Candiac bei Nimes, gest. 14. Sept. 1759, trat nach der Sitte seines alten Geschlechts nach strenger und gründlicher Erziehung früh in die… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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  • Montcalm de Saint-Véran, Louis Joseph, marquis de — (1712 1759)    general    Born in the Château de Candiac, near Nîmes, Louis Joseph, marquis de Montcalm de Saint Véran, as commander of French forces in canada in 1756, took several forts from the British (oswego, 1756; William Henry, 1757). He… …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

  • Montcalm (de Saint-Véran), Louis-Joseph de Montcalm-Grozon, marquis de — born Feb. 28, 1712, Château de Candiac, France died Sept. 14, 1759, Quebec French military leader. He joined the French army at age 12 and fought in several European conflicts. In 1756 he was placed in command of French troops in North America,… …   Universalium

  • Montcalm de Saint-Veran,Marquis Louis Joseph de — Mont·calm de Saint Ve·ran (mŏnt kämʹ də săɴ vā räɴʹ, môɴ kälmʹ), Marquis Louis Joseph de. 1712 1759. French commander in Canada during the French and Indian War. He repelled a British attack on Fort Ticonderoga (1758) and held Quebec until the… …   Universalium

  • Montcalm (de Saint-Véran), Louis-Joseph de Montcalm-Grozon, marqués de — (28 feb. 1712, Château de Candiac, Francia–14 sep. 1759, Quebec). Jefe militar francés. Entró al ejército francés a los 12 años de edad y combatió en varios conflictos europeos. En 1756 se le dio el mando de soldados franceses en América del… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • MONTCALM DE SAINT VÉRAN, LOUIS JOSEPH, MARQUIS DE —    born near Nîmes; entered the army early, and at forty four was field marshal and commander of the forces in Quebec against the English; the capture of Forts Oswego and William Henry and the defence of Ticonderoga were followed by the loss of… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

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