
noun Etymology: Latin, from Greek Admētos Date: 1567 a king of Pherae who is saved by Apollo from his fated death when his wife Alcestis offers to die in his place

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Admetus — [ad mēt′əs] n. [L < Gr Admētos, lit., wild, unbroken] Gr. Myth. a king of Thessaly, husband of Alcestis …   English World dictionary

  • Admetus — In Greek mythology, Admetus /æd mi: təs/ was a king of Pherae in Thessaly, succeeding his father Pheres after whom the city was named. Admetus was one of the Argonauts and took part in the Calydonian Boar hunt.MythologyAdmetus was famed for his… …   Wikipedia

  • Admetus — /ad mee teuhs/, n. Class. Myth. a Thessalian king, one of the Argonauts and husband of Alcestis. * * * ▪ Greek mythology       in Greek legend, son of Pheres, king of Pherae in Thessaly. Having sued for the hand of Alcestis, the most beautiful of …   Universalium

  • ADMETUS — I. ADMETUS Poeta temporibus Neronis, qui (ut Lucianus in Demonacte) obscuri nominis fuit. Hic cum Demonacti aliquando dixisset, se unius versus epigramma, h. e. monostichon scripsisse, quod testamentô cavisset, ut sepulchro affigeretur, quod tale …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Admetus — Admetos (griechisch ῎Αδμητος. lateinische Form Admetus) ist in der griechischen Mythologie der König von Pherai in Thessalien. Er folgte seinem Vater Pheres auf den Thron, nach dem die Stadt benannt worden war. Eng ist seine Verbindung zu Apollon …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Admetus (king) — Admetus (Greek: polytonic|Αδμητος) was a king of the Molossians in the time of Themistocles, (524 ndash;459 BC), who, when su­preme at Athens, had opposed him, perhaps not without insult, in some suit to the people. But Themistocles, when flying… …   Wikipedia

  • Admetus (epigrammatist) — Admetus (Gr. polytonic|Αδμητος) was a Greek epigram­matist who lived in the early part of the second century. One line of his is preserved by Lucian. [ Demonax , 44] [Brunck, Anal. iii. p. 21] [Citation last = Mason first = Charles Peter author… …   Wikipedia

  • Admetus — Ad•me•tus [[t]ædˈmi təs[/t]] n. myt a legendary king of Thessaly and the husband of Alcestis …   From formal English to slang

  • Admetus — /ædˈmitəs/ (say ad meetuhs) noun Greek Legend a Thessalian king, one of the Argonauts and husband of Alcestis …  

  • Admetus — /ad mee teuhs/, n. Class. Myth. a Thessalian king, one of the Argonauts and husband of Alcestis …   Useful english dictionary

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