- boyar
- also boyard noun Etymology: Russian boyarin Date: 1591 a member of a Russian aristocratic order next in rank below the ruling princes until its abolition by Peter the Great
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
boyar — Se conjuga como: amar Infinitivo: Gerundio: Participio: boyar boyando boyado Indicativo presente imperfecto pretérito futuro condicional yo tú él, ella, Ud. nosotros vosotros ellos, ellas, Uds. boyo boyas boya boyamos boyáis boyan boyaba… … Wordreference Spanish Conjugations Dictionary
Boyar — Bo*yar , Boyard Bo*yard , n. [Russ. boi[ a]rin .] A member of a Russian aristocratic order abolished by Peter the Great. Also, one of a privileged class in Roumania. [1913 Webster] Note: English writers sometimes call Russian landed proprietors… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
boyar — 1590s, member of a Russian aristocratic class (abolished by Peter the Great), from Rus. boyarin, perhaps from boji struggle, or from O.Slav. root bol great … Etymology dictionary
boyar — (De boya1). intr. Mar. Dicho de una embarcación: Volver a flotar después de haber estado en seco … Diccionario de la lengua española
boyar — [bō yärd′, boi′ərdbō yär′, boi′ər] n. [Russ boyarin, pl. boyare, grandee < boj, battle < IE base * bhei , to strike] Historical 1. a member of the privileged aristocracy in czarist Russia, ranking just below the ruling princes: the rank was … English World dictionary
Boyar — This article refers to the aristocratic title of boyar . For the Boyar caste of India, see Boyar (caste). A boyar or bolyar ( bg. боляр or болярин, uk. буй or боярин, ru. боярин, ro. boier) was a member of the highest rank of the feudal Moscovian … Wikipedia
boyar — boyarism, boyardism, n. /boh yahr , boy euhr/, n. 1. Russian Hist. a member of the old nobility of Russia, before Peter the Great made rank dependent on state service. 2. a member of a former privileged class in Rumania. Also, boyard /boh yahrd … Universalium
boyar — ► verbo intransitivo 1 NÁUTICA Volver a flotar un barco que ha estado en tierra. 2 América Flotar, mantenerse a flote. * * * boyar (de «boya2») intr. Mar. Volver a flotar la embarcación que ha estado en seco. ≃ Aboyar. * * * boyar. (De … Enciclopedia Universal
boyar — 1. is. Boyama özelliği olan madde, boyar madde Dünyanın hiçbir yerinde yeşile bu kadar yaraşan bir mavi bulunmaz. Toprak boyarlarla, en ucuzundan bir mavi. B. R. Eyuboğlu Birleşik Sözler boyar madde 2. is., tar., Rus. Tuna bölgesinde,… … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
boyar — noun /ˈbɔɪɑː,ˈbəʊjɑː,bəʊˈjɑː/ A rank of aristocracy (second only to princes) in Russia, Bulgaria and Romania. Boris had abdicated in 889, leaving the throne [of Bulgaria] to his son Vladimir, who had immediately identified himself with the boyar… … Wiktionary
BOYAR, LOUIS H. — BOYAR, LOUIS H. (1898–1976), U.S. real estate developer and philanthropist. Boyar, born in San Francisco, resided in Los Angeles from 1934. He was a pioneer of large scale home building and community planning in Los Angeles after World War II.… … Encyclopedia of Judaism