
geographical name region W Greece on Ionian SeaAcarnanian adjective or noun

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Acarnania — is a region of west central Greece that lies along the Ionian Sea, west of Aetolia, with the Achelous River for a boundary, and north of the gulf of Calydon, which is the entrance to the Gulf of Corinth. Today it forms the western part of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Acarnania — constituye la franja costera occidental de la unidad periférica de Etolia Acarnania. Acarnania (en griego moderno, Ακαρνανία Akarnanía ) es una región de Grecia central occidental que se extiende a lo largo del mar Jónico, al oeste de Etolia, con …   Wikipedia Español

  • Acarnania — Acarnania, Etolia y ► Ant. comarca de Grecia en la región NO, con costas en el mar Jónico, entre el golfo de Artá y el Aqueloo. * * * Distrito de la Grecia antigua, limitado por el mar Jónico, el golfo de Ambracia y el río Aqueloos. Asentado… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • ACARNANIA — quae antea Curetis appellata fuit, testibus Pausaniâ et Pliniô l. 4. c. 1. regiuncula et pars Epiri est, mersa medio sinu Ambracio. Plin. l. 2. c. 90. In hâc est oppid. Leucas. Mar. Niger scribit, hodie hanc Despotato vulgo dici. Hanc autem… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Acarnania — [ak΄ər nā′nē ə] region on the W coast of ancient Greece …   English World dictionary

  • Acarnania — Acarnanian, adj., n. /ak euhr nay nee euh, nayn yeuh/, n. a coastal region of the W central part of ancient Greece: now part of the province of Aetolia and Acarnania in modern Greece. Modern Greek, Akarnanía. * * * District, ancient Greece,… …   Universalium

  • Acarnania — Acarnanian, adj., n. /ak euhr nay nee euh, nayn yeuh/, n. a coastal region of the W central part of ancient Greece: now part of the province of Aetolia and Acarnania in modern Greece. Modern Greek, Akarnanía …   Useful english dictionary

  • Acarnania —    regione storica della Grecia, fra il Mar Jonio, il golfo di Patrasso ed il fiume Acheloo che la divideva dall Etolia. Fu dapprima territorio spartano, poi macedone. Nel 314 a.C. si ricostituì, sotto il controllo macedone, in Stato federale. Fu …   Dizionario dei miti e dei personaggi della Grecia antica

  • Acarnania — Ac•ar•na•ni•a [[t]ˌæk ərˈneɪ ni ə, ˈneɪn yə[/t]] n. geg anh a coastal region in W central Greece, on the Ionian Sea Ac ar•na′ni•an, adj. n …   From formal English to slang

  • Acarnania — /akaˈnaniə/ (say ahkah nahneeuh), / jə/ (say yuh) noun a district of north western Greece, on the Ionian Sea …  

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