- brush cut
- noun Date: 1945 crew cut
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
brush cut — n. CREW CUT … English World dictionary
brush cut — noun a short haircut with hairs standing up like a brush (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑haircut * * * noun Etymology: brush (III) : a very short even haircut often in a flat plane on top so that the hair stands out and suggests a brush * * * a short… … Useful english dictionary
brush cut — short, level haircut like a brush on top Your brush cut looks great nice and flat on top … English idioms
brush cut — /ˈbrʌʃ kʌt/ (say brush kut) noun a hairstyle in which the sides and back are short and tapered with the hair on top cut to the same short length, resembling the bristles of a brush …
brush cut — a short haircut in which the hairs stand up like a brush. * * * … Universalium
brush cut — very short haircut … English contemporary dictionary
brush — vb Brush, graze, glance, shave, skim are comparable when they mean to touch lightly in passing. Brush implies a movement like the flick of a brush upon a surface: sometimes it suggests no more than an almost impalpable touching, but sometimes it… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
brush\ off — • brush off • give the brush off v. phr. 1. To refuse to hear or believe; quickly and impatiently; not take seriously or think important. John brushed off Bill s warning that he might fall from the tree. I said that it might rain and to take the… … Словарь американских идиом
brush-off — • brush off • give the brush off v. phr. 1. To refuse to hear or believe; quickly and impatiently; not take seriously or think important. John brushed off Bill s warning that he might fall from the tree. I said that it might rain and to take the… … Словарь американских идиом
Brush Creek (Wills Creek) — Brush Creek is a tributary of Wills Creek in Pennsylvania in the United States.Brush Creek drains a piece of the Allegheny Plateau in Somerset County, and enters Wills Creek just above the Railroad Cut Falls at Fairhope.ee also*List of… … Wikipedia