- adult education
- noun Date: 1851 continuing education
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Adult education — is also the title of a song by Hall Oates. Libraries are useful resources for adult learners. Adult education is the practice of teaching and educating adults. Adult education takes place in the workplace, through extension school (e.g. Harvard… … Wikipedia
Adult Education — Adult Ed|u|ca|tion 〈[æ̣dʌlt ɛdjukɛıʃn] f.; ; unz.〉 Erwachsenenbildung [engl.] * * * Adult Education [ ædʌlt edjuː keɪʃn, englisch] die, , die Erwachsenenbildung, im internationalen Sprachgebrauch verwendeter Sammelbegriff. Adult Schools,… … Universal-Lexikon
Adult-Education — Adult Edu|ca|tion [ ædʌltɛdjukeiʃən] die; <aus engl. adult education »Erwachsenenbildung«> Sammelbez. für alle Formen der Aus u. Weiterbildung von Erwachsenen … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
adult education — a program of noncredit courses for adults regardless of previous education, offered typically by a university extension or institute. Also called continued education, continuing education. [1850 55] * * * also called Continuing Education … … Universalium
adult education — Local authorities autonomously organize adult education services. However, the Education Reform Act of 1988 makes it a duty of Local Education Authorities (LEAs) to provide adequate further education provision for mature students. The main… … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture
adult education — noun a course (via lectures or correspondence) for adults who are not otherwise engaged in formal study (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑course, ↑course of study, ↑course of instruction, ↑class * * * noun [noncount] : a course of study for adults :… … Useful english dictionary
adult education — N UNCOUNT Adult education is education for adults in a variety of subjects, most of which are practical, not academic. Classes are often held in the evenings. Adult education centres offer many courses in cooking and dressmaking … English dictionary
adult education — suaugusiųjų švietimas statusas T sritis Švietimas ir mokslas apibrėžtis Visuma švietimo priemonių, tenkinančių suaugusių asmenų bendrojo ar profesinio mokymosi poreikius. atitikmenys: angl. adult education pranc. éducation des adultes, f … Aiškinamasis kvalifikacijų sistemos terminų žodynas
Adult Education Series — was the umbrella title for three different CBS educational radio programs, all under the supervision of Sterling Fisher.The first was Americans at Work , a 30 minute show heard on in the late evening on Thursdays, Saturdays and Tuesdays beginning … Wikipedia
adult education — adult edu cation n [U] education provided for adults outside schools and universities, usually by means of classes that are held in the evening … Dictionary of contemporary English
adult education — adult edu cation noun uncount educational classes for adults that are often taught in the evenings … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English