San Francisco Peaks — [Sp, after FRANCIS OF ASSISI Saint] three peaks of an eroded volcano in NC Ariz.: highest peak, c. 12,700 ft (3,871 m) … English World dictionary
San Francisco Peaks — Coordinates: 35°20′27″N 111°41′00″W / 35.34083°N 111.6833333°W / 35.34083; 111.6833333 … Wikipedia
San Francisco Peaks — p1p4p5 San Francisco Peaks San Francisco Peaks im Winter, gesehen vom Elden Mountain Höchster Gipfel … Deutsch Wikipedia
San Francisco Peaks — a mountain mass in N Arizona: highest point in the state, Humphrey s Peak, 12,611 ft. (3845 m). Also called San Francisco Mountain. * * * ▪ mountains, Arizona, United States three summits Humphreys (Humphreys Peak), Agassiz, and Fremont… … Universalium
San Francisco Peaks — a mountain mass in N Arizona: highest point in the state, Humphrey s Peak, 12,611 ft. (3845 m). Also called San Francisco Mountain … Useful english dictionary
San Francisco Peaks — San′ Francis′co Peaks′ n. pl. geg a mountain mass in N Arizona: highest point in the state, Humphrey s Peak, 12,611 ft. (3845 m) … From formal English to slang
San Francisco — San Franzisko; The City (engl.) (umgangssprachlich) * * * San Fran|cịs|co, San Fran|zịs|ko: Stadt in Kalifornien. * * * San Francisco, Name von geographischen Objekten: 1) San Francịsco [englisch sænfrən sɪskəʊ], volkstümliche Abkürzung… … Universal-Lexikon
San Francisco Mountains — dep1dep2p5 San Francisco Peaks Höhenmodell der San Francisco Peaks nach Satellitenbildern … Deutsch Wikipedia
San Francisco volcanic field — The San Francisco volcanic field is an area of volcanoes in northern Arizona, USA. The field covers 1,800 square miles (4,700 km²) of the southern boundary of the Colorado Plateau. The field contains 600 volcanoes ranging in age from less than 6… … Wikipedia
San-Francisco — Cet article concerne la ville californienne. Pour les autres significations, voir San Francisco (homonymie). San Francisco … Wikipédia en Français