- Sea Islands
- geographical name islands SE United States in the Atlantic off coast of South Carolina, Georgia, & Florida between mouths of Santee & St. Johns rivers
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Sea Islands — chain of islands off the coasts of S.C., Ga., & N Fla … English World dictionary
Sea Islands — (spr. ßī ailänds), durch die Mündungen und Ästuarien der südcarolinischen und georginischen Ströme vom nordamerikanischen Festland losgelöste, teils aus Marschland, teils aus Mergel und Dünensand bestehende Küsteninseln, durch den Anbau einer… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Sea Islands — 32.178798 80.742914 Koordinaten: 32° 11′ N, 80° 45′ W … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sea Islands — Las Sea Islands (español: islas del Mar) son una cadena de islas mareales y de barras situadas a lo largo de las costa de la región media atlántica de los Estados Unidos, entre las bocas de los ríos Santee y St. Johns. En total, hay unas 100… … Wikipedia Español
Sea Islands — The Sea Islands are a chain of tidal and barrier islands on the Atlantic Ocean coast of the United States. They number over 100, and are located between the mouths of the Santee and St. Johns Rivers along the coast of the U.S. states of South… … Wikipedia
Sea Islands — a group of islands in the Atlantic, along the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia, and N Florida. * * * ▪ islands, United States low lying chain of sandy islands off the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, U.S., between the mouths … Universalium
Sea Islands — 32° 10′ 44″ N 80° 44′ 34″ W / 32.1788, 80.7429 … Wikipédia en Français
Sea Islands — Sea′ Is′lands n. pl. geg a group of islands in the Atlantic, along the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia, and N Florida … From formal English to slang
Sea Islands — /si ˈaɪləndz/ (say see uyluhndz) plural noun a group of islands in the Atlantic off South Carolina and Georgia, US, noted for the long staple variety of cotton grown there …
Sea Islands — a group of islands in the Atlantic, along the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia, and N Florida … Useful english dictionary