- Transcaucasia
- geographical name — see Caucasia • Transcaucasian adjective or noun
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Transcaucasia — [trans΄kô kā′zhə] the region directly south of the Caucasus Mountains, containing the Asian countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, & Georgia Transcaucasian adj., n … English World dictionary
Transcaucasia — Transcaucasian /trans kaw kay zheuhn, sheuhn, kazh euhn, kash /, adj., n. /trans kaw kay zheuh, sheuh/, n. a region in SE Europe, S of the Caucasus Mountains, between the Black and Caspian seas: constituted a republic 1922 36 (Transcaucasian… … Universalium
Transcaucasia — Mapa político del Sur del Cáucaso. La Transcaucasia o Cáucaso Sur es una región política del Cáucaso que comprende las actuales repúblicas de Armenia, Georgia y Azerbaiyán, las repúblicas parcialmente reconocidas de Abjasia y Osetia del Sur,… … Wikipedia Español
Transcaucasia — La Transcaucasia es una región del Cáucaso que comprende las Repúblicas de Armenia, Georgia y Azerbaiyán. Conformo en dos ocasiones un solo Estado nacional. Durante la guerra civil rusa, República Federal de Transcaucasia (9 de abril y 26 de mayo … Enciclopedia Universal
Transcaucasia, history of — Introduction history of the region from prehistoric times to the present. Food gathering cultures of Mesolithic type, as represented by discoveries near Nalchik (Russia) in the central Caucasus, continued in this region until quite… … Universalium
Transcaucasia — noun [ˌtrænskɔːˈkeɪzjə/|[ˌtrænskɔːˈkeɪʒə/ Mountainous region of southwest Asia, lying south of Caucasus Mountains and comprising republics of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Also known as South Caucasus. Syn: South Caucasus … Wiktionary
TRANSCAUCASIA — an extensive tract of Russian territory stretching E. and W. between the Caucasus (N.) and Turkey in Asia and Persia (S.). See CAUCASIA … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Transcaucasia — reg., part of Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan; betw. the Caucasus mountains and Iran and Turkey … Webster's Gazetteer
Transcaucasia — n. area in southeast Europe (south of the Caucasus Mountains) which forms the southern part of Caucasia (comprises of the republics of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan) … English contemporary dictionary
Transcaucasia — Trans•cau•ca•sia [[t]ˌtræns kɔˈkeɪ ʒə, ʃə[/t]] n. geg a region in SE Europe, S of the Caucasus Mountains, between the Black and Caspian seas: includes the republics of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia Trans cau•ca′sian ˈkeɪ ʒən, ʃən, ˈkæʒ ən,… … From formal English to slang