
I. adjective Etymology: Thomas Sheraton Date: 1883 of, relating to, or being a style of furniture that originated in England around 1800 and is characterized by straight lines and graceful proportions II. biographical name Thomas 1751-1806 English furniture designer

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Sheraton — may refer to:*Sheraton Hotels and Resorts, a hotel chain *Sheraton, County Durham, a village in County Durham, in England *Sheraton Centre, a mall complex located in the parish of Christ Church, Barbados. *Sheraton Style, an 18th century… …   Wikipedia

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  • Sheraton — severe style of late 18c. English furniture, 1883, from cabinetmaker Thomas Sheraton (1751 1806). The family name is from a place in Durham, late O.E. Scurufatun (c.1040), probably farmstead of a man called Skurfa (an old Scandinavian personal… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Sheraton — [sher′ə tən] adj. [after Thomas Sheraton (1751 1806), Eng cabinetmaker] designating or of an 18th cent. Eng. style of furniture characterized by simplicity of form, straight lines, and classically chaste decoration …   English World dictionary

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  • Sheraton — This interesting and unusual surname is of Old Scandinavian origin, and is a locational name from Sheraton, a place in Durham, which was recorded as Scurufatan , circa 1050 in the History of St. Cuthbert . The placename has the same derivation as …   Surnames reference

  • Sheraton — /sher euh tn/, n. 1. Thomas, 1751 1806, English cabinetmaker and furniture designer. adj. 2. of the style of furniture designed by Sheraton. * * * …   Universalium

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