
I. adjective Etymology: French or Latin; French acide, from Latin acidus, from acēre to be sourmore at acet- Date: 1626 1. a. sour, sharp, or biting to the taste b. sharp, biting, or sour in manner, disposition, or nature <
an acid individual
c. sharply clear, discerning, or pointed <
an acid wit
d. piercingly intense and often jarring <
acid yellow
2. a. of, relating to, or being an acid; also having the reactions or characteristics of an acid <
acid soil
an acid solution
b. of salts and esters derived by partial exchange of replaceable hydrogen <
acid sodium carbonate NaHCO3
c. containing or involving the use of an acid (as in manufacture) d. marked by or resulting from an abnormally high concentration of acid <
acid indigestion
3. relating to or made by a process (as in making steel) in which the furnace is lined with acidic material and an acidic slag is used 4. rich in silica <
acid rocks
acidly adverbacidness noun II. noun Date: 1696 1. a sour substance; specifically any of various typically water-soluble and sour compounds that in solution are capable of reacting with a base to form a salt, redden litmus, and have a pH less than 7, that are hydrogen-containing molecules or ions able to give up a proton to a base, or that are substances able to accept an unshared pair of electrons from a base 2. something incisive, biting, or sarcastic <
a social satire dripping with acid
3. LSDacidy adjective

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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