
I. verb Etymology: Middle English eyden, from Anglo-French aider, from Latin adjutare, frequentative of adjuvare, from ad- + juvare to help Date: 15th century transitive verb to provide with what is useful or necessary in achieving an end intransitive verb to give assistanceaider noun II. noun Date: 15th century 1. a subsidy granted to the king by the English parliament until the 18th century for an extraordinary purpose 2. a. the act of helping b. help given ; assistance <
providing aid and comfort
; specifically tangible means of assistance (as money or supplies) 3. a. an assisting person or groupcompare aide b. something by which assistance is given ; an assisting device <
an aid to understanding
a visual aid
; especially hearing aid 4. a tribute paid by a vassal to his lord

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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