bat mitzvah — ☆ bat mitzvah or bat mizvah [bät mits′və; ] Heb [ bät΄mits vä′ ] n. [< Heb bat, daughter + mitsva, commandment] [also B M ] 1. a Jewish girl who has arrived at the age of religious responsibility, usually 13 years 2. the ceremony celebrating… … English World dictionary
bat mitzvah — [ˌba:t ˈmıtsvə] n [Date: 1900 2000; : Hebrew; Origin: bath miswah daughter of (God s) law ] 1.) a religious ceremony held when a Jewish girl reaches the age of 13 and is considered an adult in her religion →↑bar mitzvah 2.) a girl for whom this… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Bat Mitzvah — 1950, lit. daughter of command; a Jewish girl who has reached age 12, the age of religious majority. Extended to the ceremony held on occasion of this … Etymology dictionary
bat mitzvah — UK [ˌbɑːt ˈmɪtsvə] / US [ˌbɑt ˈmɪtsvə] noun [countable] Word forms bat mitzvah : singular bat mitzvah plural bat mitzvahs a) a Jewish religious ceremony held when a girl is between the ages of 12 and 14, after which she is considered to be an… … English dictionary
bat mitzvah — /baht mits veuh, bahs/; Seph. Heb. /baht meets vah /; Ashk. Heb. /bahs mits veuh/, (often caps.) Judaism. 1. a solemn ceremony, chiefly among Reform and Conservative Jews, that is held in the synagogue on Friday night or Saturday morning to admit … Universalium
bat mitzvah — I noun (Judaism) an initiation ceremony marking the 12th birthday of a Jewish girl and signifying the beginning of religious responsibility • Syn: ↑bath mitzvah, ↑bas mitzvah • Topics: ↑Judaism • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
bat mitzvah — (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) (VOCABULARY WORD) n. [baht MITZ vuh] ceremony that recognizes the entrance of a twelve or thirteen year old Jewish girl into adulthood. Her family gathered together to celebrate her bat mitzvah. SYN.: ceremony, rite of… … English dictionary for students
bat mitzvah — (baht MITZ vah) [Hebrew] A ceremony, usually held in a synagogue, by which a thirteen year old girl who has successfully learned the fundamentals of Judaism is admitted to adulthood. See also bar mitzvah. The family showed guests a… … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
Bat Mitzvah — Bat Mitsva La Bat Mitsva, aussi appelé communion juive, est le pendant féminin de la Bar Mitsva, à savoir une cérémonie de confirmation religieuse, par laquelle la jeune fille juive marque sa majorité, en principe à 12 ans. Le terme signifie… … Wikipédia en Français
bat mitzvah — bat mitz•vah [[t]bɑt ˈmɪts və, bɑs[/t]] also bas mitzvah n. (often caps.) 1) jud a ceremony for a girl of 12 or 13, paralleling the bar mitzvah 2) jud the girl participating in this ceremony • Etymology: 1945–50; < Heb bath miṣwāh … From formal English to slang