Boff — may refer to:* Andrew Boff, a British Conservative politician * Leonardo Boff, a Brazilian theologian, philosopher, and writer * Allan Boff Whalley, a British musician in the band Chumbawamba * Sam on Boff s Island , a British educational… … Wikipedia
Boff — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Clodovis Boff (* 1944), Mitglied des Servitenordens und brasilianischer Befreiungstheologe Leonardo Boff (* 1938), brasilianischer katholischer Theologe Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung … Deutsch Wikipedia
boff — boff·o·la; boff; … English syllables
boff — off, boffo of fo . 1. (Theater) a hearty laugh. [PJC] 2. (Theater) a joke or gag line that produces hearty laughter. [PJC] 3. (Theater) something very successful, especially a box office hit. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Boff — Nom porté en Alsace Lorraine, en particulier en Moselle. Variante : Bof. Il faut peut être en faire une variante de Buff, surnom probable pour un homme violent (moyen haut allemand buff = choc, coup). Autre solution : variante de Bufe, qui… … Noms de famille
boff — ☆ boff [bə fō′ləbäf ] n. [prob. < It buffa, a jest, or buffo, a gust of wind: see BUFFOON] Slang 1. a) a loud, hearty laugh b) a joke, incident in a play, etc. meant to produce such a laugh 2. a play, song, etc. that is a great popular… … English World dictionary
boff — I. vb 1. to hit, punch. A nursery variant of biff, occasionally used semi facetiously by adults. 2. to have sex (with), fuck ► He s a logical choice . ► So the fact he s boffing her has nothing to do with it? (Vice Versa, US film, 1986) The term… … Contemporary slang
Boff — Bọff, Leonardo, brasilianischer katholischer Theologe und Franziskaner (seit 1958), * Concórdia (Brasilien) 14. 12. 1938; 1970 91 Professor für systematische Theologie in Petrópolis. Boff gilt als einer der profiliertesten Vertreter der… … Universal-Lexikon
boff — [baf] 1. tv. to punch someone. □ I was afraid she was going to boff me. □ Ted boffed Harry playfully. 2. in. to empty one’s stomach; to vomit. (See also barf.) □ She boffed and boffed, until she was exhausted. □ … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
boff — A dismissive one word response uttered under one s breath, usually accompannied by a hand gesture. A simple boff was the driver s only response to the old man s running to catch the already late bus … Dictionary of american slang