
I. noun Etymology: back-formation from earlier capers (taken as a plural), from Middle English caperis, from Latin capparis, from Greek kapparis Date: 14th century 1. any of a genus (Capparis of the family Capparidaceae, the caper family) of low prickly shrubs of the Mediterranean region; especially one (C. spinosa) cultivated for its buds 2. one of the greenish flower buds or young berries of the caper pickled and used as a seasoning or garnish II. intransitive verb (capered; capering) Etymology: probably by shortening & alteration from capriole Date: 1588 to leap or prance about in a playful manner III. noun Date: 1592 1. a frolicsome leap 2. a capricious escapade ; prank 3. an illegal or questionable act; especially theft

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Caper — Ca per, n. [F. c[^a]pre, fr. L. capparis, Gr. ?; cf. Ar. & Per. al kabar.] 1. The pungent grayish green flower bud of the European and Oriental caper ({Capparis spinosa}), much used for pickles. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) A plant of the genus… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • caper — CÁPER, caperi, s.m. Arbust spinos care creşte în regiunile calde ale Europei, cu flori mari albe sau roşietice (Capparis spinosa). – Din it. cappero. Trimis de valeriu, 11.02.2003. Sursa: DEX 98  cáper s. m., pl. cáperi Trimis de siveco,… …   Dicționar Român

  • CAPER — (Heb. צָלָף; ẓalaf), the shrub Capparis spinosa, which grows wild in Israel in rocky places, as well as in old stone walls, including the Western Wall. The personal name Zalaph occurs in the Bible (Neh. 3:30). The caper s fruit, the evyonah, is… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • caper — caper1 [kā′pər] vi. [prob. < CAPRIOLE] to skip or jump about in a playful manner; frisk; gambol n. 1. a playful jump or leap 2. a wild, foolish action or prank ☆ 3. Slang a criminal plan or act, esp. a robbery cut a caper or cut capers …   English World dictionary

  • caper — ● caper verbe transitif Poser la cape d un cigare. ● caper (synonymes) verbe transitif Poser la cape d un cigare. Synonymes : rober caper v. tr. (Maurice) d1./d Mordre (en parlant d un chien). Le chien lui a capé le mollet …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • caper — ‘jump about’ [16] and the edible caper [15] are two different words. The former is a shortening of capriole ‘leap’, now obsolete except as a technical term in horsemanship, which comes via early French capriole from Italian capriola, a derivative …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • caper — Ⅰ. caper [1] ► VERB ▪ skip or dance about in a lively or playful way. ► NOUN 1) a playful skipping movement. 2) informal an illicit or ridiculous activity or escapade. ● cut a caper Cf. ↑cut a …   English terms dictionary

  • caper — ‘jump about’ [16] and the edible caper [15] are two different words. The former is a shortening of capriole ‘leap’, now obsolete except as a technical term in horsemanship, which comes via early French capriole from Italian capriola, a derivative …   Word origins

  • Caper — Ca per, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Capered} p. pr. & vb. n. {capering}.] [From older capreoll to caper, cf. F. se cabrer to prance; all ultimately fr. L. caper, capra, goat. See {Capriole}.] To leap or jump about in a sprightly manner; to cut capers;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Caper — Ca per, n. A frolicsome leap or spring; a skip; a jump, as in mirth or dancing; a prank. [1913 Webster] {To cut a caper}, to frolic; to make a sportive spring; to play a prank. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Caper — (Caperschiff, engl. Privateer, franz. Armateur), Schiffe, welche zu Kriegszeiten mit Erlaubniß des kriegführenden Staates von Privaten ausgerüstet werden, um der feindlichen Macht durch Angriffe auf ihre Kriegs od. Handelsflotte Schaden zuzufügen …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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